Chapter 14

293 19 31

Quod Sentit Bonum

It Feels Good

Jungkook stopped making circling motions on his injured abdomen when his skin felt dry, and as he lowered his shirt, he heard Taehyung seating on the couch, he looked up at him as he stood from the floor and found that Taehyung had taken off his suit jacket as he finished folding his sleeves over his elbows.

Something about that way of dressing was both chilling and alluring for some reason. Jungkook was in between endearment and shyness as he walked to the couch.

When he was in front of it, he stopped. Taehyung looked up, smiled, and patted the spot on his left. Jungkook sat down right beside him, their thighs rubbing together, and didn't know what to do with the arm closest to him so he just wrapped it around his middle. Taehyung's arm went over his shoulders and he giggled involuntarily as he leaned to Taehyung's side.

- Ok, - Started Taehyung. - I have too many questions for you, it might even feel like an interrogation. -

Jungkook chucked again and lifted a hand to his cut lip, he was looking down at their thighs together as he listened to Taehyung's voice close to his ear.

- Ask away, I have questions too. - He rested his head back on Taehyung's arm. And then lifted it again, only to bounce it back down and move it around, feeling the bicep with the back of his head.

- What are you doing? - Taehyung laughed.

- Is that your bicep? - He asked shamelessly and Taehyung's laugh continued.

- ¿Yes? -

- Damn, that's a rock. You do lift weights, don't you? - Jungkook turned and found him hiding his face with his other hand. - Ask me, ask me. What questions do you have? - He said with a smile and he wiggled a little in his seat trying to get even closer to him. Taehyung took a deep, stabilizing breath.

- Ok. Amm. Should I start with the deep questions or the not-so-deep? -

Jungkook thought for a second and decided that it'll be worse if they postponed the deeper questions for another time. But then, he thought again.

- Let's leave the deeper questions for nighttime. I feel... better in the dark. - He looked down and played with the hem of his shirt while

- Very well. Then tell me about your friends, that... Leonardo? -

Jungkook smiled as he nodded.

- Yes, Leonardo Bellamy, and Emily Davis, though I don't know why she wasn't there. - He didn't see her when they left to go to the office. - I'm glad she wasn't there to see it. - He paused. - Or maybe thinking it better, it would've been great to have her there, she's very good at stopping conflicts and calming us down. Leo has... quite the temper. - He snorted but underneath there was a grimace. - Who am I to talk? I have quite the temper. Emily has always been able to stop us even if it's just by grabbing our arms or just looking at us. -

- I met both of them when I was twelve in my seventh year. I was known for... being a troublemaker, so no one really liked me. Then, in my seventh year, I stopped everything, and they arrived. Leo was a little famous himself with how easily angry he could get, we met sometimes in the Principal's office; and Emily was not very talked about, she was only known for being very sweet with everybody. She had become friends with Leo when they were toddlers and had been together ever since. And she was the one who approached my table when the teacher said: "group project". - He smiled.

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