Chapter 43

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Emily had been waiting to be able to talk to that particular professor for some time now. She was sitting against the wall on the other side of the corridor, looking straight at the door, and wishing whichever student was there to come out. She hasn't even tried to take out her computer because she knew her concentration was soli focused on the questions she was going to ask. And even with that concentration, she was frustrated that she couldn't decide which ones to ask so he could help her understand what was going on with her friends.

Her head snapped to the door the moment she heard it opening at last, and when she saw a pair of students walking out of there. She stood up and walked straight to the door where the Professor now stood, looking down at her.

- I don't remember having you as my student. - He said by way of greeting but failed in dismissing her as he probably would've wanted. Her determination was too great to be intimidated by him.

- Professor Seokjin, I only came here for a few questions. - She said as calmly as she could muster as her hands grabbed her backpack straps with tight fists.

Seokjin just took a step into his classroom and walked back to his desk, and because he hadn't said the contrary, she stepped inside as well.

- Ok, then, what do you want to talk about? - He asked as he sat down like it was a throne and looked down at her from the other side of the desk. - Do you perhaps want to ask if you could see my class? -

- No, sir. - Emily was a little breathless now that she had him right there, but she pushed on. - I was actually going to ask if you could help me understand the behavior of two of my friends from a psychological point of view. -

Seokjin squinted his eyes slightly.

- Have you talked to them directly? -

Emily pursed her lips and said in a tiny voice.

- They're both males, Professor. They... - She couldn't say that they don't talk about their feelings, not anymore, not after this morning in Jungkook's room. Her eyes darted down to the desk and Seokjin clicked his tongue.

- I can't believe the number of females who go to anyone else to cry about how their males are not talking to them without ever telling them directly. - Emily looked up at Seokjin's bored face. - I really just want to tell you that if they're still alive then it's no big deal but... - He shrugged. - I guess, as a professor, I can't say such hurtful things anymore. - He sighed. - Very well then. Have you tried talking to the university psychologist? Why did you come here if it's not about class? - Emily bristled but otherwise stood her ground.

- Because, last time we spoke, I got mesmerized by your deductive thinking, and I don't need a psychologist telling me to let them be men, I want someone who would make me understand. I need to know so I can help them. - She was nearly shaking with the force of those eyes, but it will just be much more humiliating going away now, so she stayed there, looking straight at him until he spoke.

- Two things, girl. Firstly, a psychologist will surely tell you to let them "be men" because we are all taught that men are driven by reason, so, males don't often seek mental aid because they can avoid certain feelings with the power of their minds, something, it's said, a woman can't do. And secondly–

- I know that. - Emily cut him off and winced when she saw him pursing his lips but went on. - That's why I'm here. If males are creatures of reason, then why are my two friends so torn apart by their feelings? Shouldn't they be able to... I don't know, make them go away? Whatever it is that they do, why can't my friends do it? What are they lacking or why–... Why are the suicide rates filled with more men than women if they should be able to be reasonable? -

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