Chapter 10

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The Library

Tuesday, 10th of September, 6:10 AM, Jungkook's room in Evanthe.

Both Jimin and Jungkook were up, But while one was in the bathroom getting ready, the other was sitting on his own bed, still wearing the same clothes from the night before, looking unseeingly at the floor.

Last night when Jungkook came to bed, he was high, intoxicated by the memory of Taehyung's touch, and he fell asleep dreaming that it was Taehyung the one hugging him and not his bed covers. Then, he woke up bright as new when Jimin's alarm sounded. He felt like he had just been cured from some bad flu he didn't even know he had, his limbs felt loose, there was no tension in his shoulders or his neck, and he felt full of energy.

However, right now his mind was working again, working to destabilize him, and he couldn't stop remembering the night before with embarrassment. How he had cried for only God knows how long, how he had taken off his coat to feel more of Taehyung, how he was pressing himself against Taehyung, how he asked Taehyung to stroke his hair, how he was saying "Mmm" like that, how he brushed his nails against Taehyung's neck and how Taehyung had asked him to stop.

Jungkook closed his eyes, horrified with himself.

Taehyung had asked him to stop. The fact that Jungkook felt on cloud nine in Taehyung's arms didn't mean Taehyung himself felt the same way. Just because he wanted to hug him didn't mean he wanted to be closer to him.

Jungkook hated to think that he got the wrong idea. He was sure at some point in the night Taehyung's eyes had been full of wanting, full of longing, full of Jungkook's eyes; he was sure Taehyung had cried along with him; he was sure Taehyung had tightened his arms around him and how they had come to a very deep and intimate understanding. He was sure, and yet, his memory was getting foggy with embarrassment.

He shook his head, refusing to let his self-sabotaging thoughts render him a useless pile of covers on his unmade bed. He felt happy, he felt fine, and he finally found a safe place. Taehyung was his safe place, his beautiful safe place, and whatever his bullying thoughts were telling him, he was sure they both felt the same way.

Because, after what he told him, he was sure Taheyung had also been looking for a safe place.

Jungkook looked at the floor with hatred. He had been bullied at school, but it had been a two-way thing of an everyday fight for years. Taehyung had been taken that night.

Imagining Taehyung, eighteen years old, all happy with his friends, just having gone there because his loving family advised him to, and then when he most wanted to leave and go home, he had been taken as a party attraction. Jungkook saw red as he thought of how Taehyung could've ended up naked on a bed. If Taehyung wanted to leave so badly, how on earth did that happen? Jungkook had never been drunk in front of other people in his life, but he damn well knew that alcohol would never make people do things they didn't want to do when they were sober. Alcohol didn't do that.

He felt hatred filling up his body. Hatred for the ones that did that to him, for the family of that girl, and that girl as well.

Standing, he went to open the window, leaning over Jimin's bed to do so. When the clear cold morning air washed over his face and filled his lungs, he felt better. But his brain wouldn't stop.

Taehyung didn't want to be a professor, he wanted to work on his family's farm with his mom and dad. Jungkook loved how Taehyung's family sounded, they all loved each other earnestly and stuck together just like a family should. Then, Taehyung had to leave them because of the anger of other people. Terrible. He had to marry a girl he didn't even feel anything for, they didn't even like the same things, Jungkook was sure they hadn't even exchanged a word before the morning after. Taehyung had said the party had been at her house but he didn't even know that till later and how she talked to everyone but he was off running through the woods. They didn't even know each other, and then he was obliged to marry her. And for good measure, he had to cut all communication with his adored family and move away from his home. Horrible.

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