Chapter 74

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(Part 2)

Yungsoo sighed. However... looking at Taehyung now, Alexander had the weirdest thought. He looked way angrier than a worried friend would be. And then he remembered something he saw last Monday: a happy Jungkook smiling as he went up the stairs of the library.

But that can't be.

- No. Much like when you attacked me. So, just like Yungsoo said, it doesn't make that much sense. If he knew you believed him enough to come looking for him, why go through all the trouble of acting scared when he could've just shouted when he heard you knocking? Or... maybe that was all a big plan of his. To make himself cry and look terrified so the moment Taehyung could break in it would look like I had done something dreadful. - He looked at Yungsoo with a tilt of his head.

And he nodded slowly.

That would make more sense. But then... - He exhaled deeply. - If what looked to be irrational had an actual purpose then what happened to Oliver had a reason to be as well. So, if everything has a reason... If it's true that he hit his classmates because he was angry that you left, then, if he continued doing it for four more years, it would mean that he was still mad about it. - His face dropped when he realized what he said and then continued slowly. - If that is true... then it would make sense that he took advantage of Taehyung's presence by telling him awful stories about you because then it would make Taehyung worried enough to come to me to try and... get you fired? - This last realization had him widening his eyes. - Could it be that he's so emotional that he still has a grudge against you leaving him all those years ago? -

This was... way more perfect than Alexander had planned.

Maybe he'll give Jungkook another finny cup to celebrate; he's feeling quite magnanimous at the moment.

Alexander had to stop himself from laughing so hard that he could only press the side of his curled index finger against his lips, making him look like he was pondering hard on that possibility.

However, Taehyung took advantage of his silence.

- Have you perhaps tried to... ask him about it? - He asked Yungsoo. The most obvious of questions.

Yungsoo frowned at him.

- And you think he would tell us the truth now when he hadn't done it in more than seven years? -

- If you leave him with me, I'm sure I can make him confide in me. - He volunteered.

And Taehyung's plan slapped Alexander in the face.

He didn't only want Jungkook out of Alexander's apartment, he wanted him with him. The memory of Jungkook happy in the library, the lateness of the hour every time he would leave Taehyung's apartment, the worry in Leo last Friday because Jungkook hadn't told him that he was sick, choosing to stay there for the entire day. And Jungkook never objected to it, even if it was a teacher.

This was no teacher... This was a threat.

Alexander raised a hand to stop his friend from speaking, still squinting straight at Taehyung.

- Wait a moment, Yungsoo. I knew this insistence didn't look right; I just remembered something. - He lowered his hand, looking at this man through a whole new light. - I found the pair of you together. Not on Tuesday, but Monday. - He looked at Yungsoo and saw him tilting his head, confused. - It's funny that I've only just remembered. I was in the library that morning and I saw you walking up the same stairs a moment later Jungkook walked up as well. I hadn't thought too much of it until now. -

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