Chapter 75

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Injurias Relictas

The Injuries Left Behind

(Part 1)

5:15 pm

Jungkook was left in the dark room, the corner of his forehead had hit the floor but he couldn't feel any pain; he could barely breathe. He could only hear the pounding in his ears, feel his blood boiling in his veins, and how he was slowly suffocating. His lungs weren't big enough for the air he needed; he gasped and gasped but no relief came. He felt like vomiting but refrained in fear. If his throat was obstructed for even a second, he would die.

There was too much energy in his body, so much so that he was shaking, unable to stand up or even sit properly. From time to time, he could feel a sudden build-up of ecstasy, but then it would leave and he would be left shaking in fear again. There were times when his thoughts were less scattered and he could make sense of what the words meant: "Where am I?", "What happened?", "What day is it?". But before he could think more about it, his eyes would roll back and his body would collapse, hot and bothered.

He was sure he heard a laugh, but he wasn't sure of it.

It was hot and then cold, it was pain and then pleasure, it was fear and then bliss, it was nausea... a lot of it. But it never came, and he never let it come.

He wanted to be touched...

He wanted to know where he was.

He wanted warmth against his skin...

He wanted to get out of whatever room he was in.

He wanted...

He was sure he'd spent hours and days in those highs and lows before it all stopped.

5:45 pm

At first, he was trying to use clarity to think. Then, he was waiting for the ecstasy to arrive. And, finally, the pain was so much that he was left begging for it to come.

But it never came.

Maybe another hour or two passed until he moved again. He was so cold so suddenly, but he was sweating like it was the hottest of days. His shirt felt disgusting against his skin so he took it off. He tried opening his eyes to see but it was so dark that he thought he'd gone blind. He knew he was in a room though his head was foggy, so he crawled onwards, trying to find a wall to lean against.

5:50 pm

He'd forgotten what he was looking for until his head hit something. He felt around and felt hollows on what he thought was the wall.

An Exit?

He extended his arm thru but knocked over some tiny glass bottles and stopped.

A kitchen?

Sliding a bit closer, his knees knocked against something and he lowered a hand.

Leather. Shoes. A closet? Was he in his closet at home? But he doesn't remember having gone to dinner. Was he being punished?

He heard a door being closed in the distance.

"Minus one point".

Jungkook jolted and turned around, slamming his back against the shelves. With harsh breaths, he remembered where he was. But the slower his breathing became, the slower his brain seemed to be as well until he was doubting... where was he?

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