Chapter 59

127 8 3

Loqui Eum

Talk it Out

All the way to the Students' Living Area, Jungkook spent it looking straight at the floor and walking swiftly thru deserted corridors he hadn't gone through before. Following logic, he managed to make his way through labyrinth-like pathways until finally, the glass doors were in sight. But, other than following his logic, he could do nothing else. He could not even be frightened by a shadow or the silence or even the slight drizzling of the rain.

The first night he had slept with Taehyung, he had felt so elated, cared for, and in love, that the world couldn't be better. However, this new type of love felt... older, somehow. In a way, he felt his love for Taehyung had matured, strengthened, and solidified; it's not like pretty clouds but instead the hard and real ground beneath his feet. It wasn't a dream anymore, he doesn't have doubts anymore, and even if he had always known that he wouldn't want to live in a world without Taehyung, it wasn't until tonight that he could feel the actual change as if it was a part of his own body.

He truly couldn't live without him. It wasn't like he didn't want to, it wasn't an exaggeration but it also wasn't a threat against his own life, it simply was the fact that, given how his life had been so far, he knew that if there was a future without Taehyung, he won't walk it. Without being desperate nor obsessive he could soberly and truthfully say with no waver: "If my eyes will not gaze him, I shall not see. If my hands do not touch him, I shall not feel. If my lips do not kiss him, I shall not be."

They can put that on his gravestone. Because there's no other way he'll let himself be killed.

This is why this feeling is not rash but natural. So long as he lives by his side, so will he; so long as he's threatened, he will fight; so long as he loves him, he will love him back. And he knows for an undying fact that Taehyung felt the same way, he saw it in his eyes tonight.

He saw himself reflected in his eyes as if he was looking at the most beautiful star and felt his body worshiping him like the most devoted follower to a God. There aren't two people in this place who love each other as deeply as they do, and now they know why.

They met in a past life. Not only that, but they loved each other back then too. And judging by Hoseok's and the other two's swift (attempted) stopping of their night, back then, it seemed, their love had shined so much that "Darkness" had attacked them and their people. Because it also seemed like "their people" were those E.V.Is, and that's how they know them and recognize them and... have memories with them.

Jungkook's foot stopped in his tracks. He was about to go straight towards his room, but remembering Garrett's father made him also remember something else. Which was a memory of a threat made against someone he loved just so he would do as they said.


Will those three know that Taehyung and himself have... broken the promise? Will they really hurt Leo? They had already hurt Leo, that was the last thing he remembered of his friend being mentioned in that more than uncomfortable talk. He thought of looking into his bag for his phone just so he knew the time, but... he was too tired, and they were most likely still awake. So he simply redirected his walk upwards towards the third floor where his friend's room would be and knocked on the door.

Who is it? -

- Jungkook. - He said with dull tones. The happiness and bliss he had felt were hidden away in his chest so nothing on the outside could harm it, but that also meant that he couldn't reach for it right now.

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