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Turns out, after a few months, a lot of paperwork and a lot of struggle, we were settled into our monster of a house and had gotten compensation for those horrid magazines and finally gotten a baby doctor. Which we had since found out was called an OBGYN.

And oh. More importantly we had a seemingly healthy baby that was a girl and then Nicole was having a boy. The woman was quite sweet. Didn't particularly have any issues with her.

(Though she had more than a few with Liam.)

We still hadn't planned a wedding though.

But Lennon was currently with us for a bit, exploring his second home. Even though he was a baby, it felt like he could understand what was going on.

Like he seemed to understand he was getting a sibling. Maybe that had to do with my bump. And the fact that it was all Liam could talk about. Whether it was in an interview, on the phone with Noel, or his family, or anyone.

It was really all he would talk about.

In fact, in the morning, I'd come downstairs, dressed in one of his button downs, with Lennon and he was already on the phone.

"Who is it this time?" I ask irritatedly, seeing as it was about 8:00, walking over to the baby seat, I plop Lennon into it before making my way back over to Liam.

Who's covered the receiver and and is now pulling me over into his arms, the baby bump pushing us apart more than he likes, so he groans, spinning me around, so my back his against his.

As he lifts the phone up to talk again, he presses his lips to cheek, and rests the over hand on my belly softly, trying to be comforting.

"Sorry, Birdie came downstairs. Got Lennon too. Go look after your own kid. She'll talk to you later-" and with that he hung up.

"Who was it?" I ask again

"Albarn. Wanted to check in on you." He rests his head on my shoulder and adds "Heard you were complaining about me."

"You talk on the phone too much."

"Not my fault my brother moved so fucking far away!"

"Spend time with me! Or Lennon! This place is so fucking big I don't think we've even seen all the rooms."

"Of course we have. We got them all furnished." He adds, planting a kiss on my neck.

"Be quiet."

He does what I ask and we stand there for a minute, Lennon watching with wide eyes, confused until I feel the all too familiar feeling of the baby kicking. Liam does as well. Which as always, sends him to the moon.

"Look at her, up and early.." he coos softly "Just like you and me."

I turn around, pressing a kiss to his nose and then saying "Maybe you should go love on the kid that's actually here?"

Sure enough, he dashes off to Lennon and puts him in his arms, excitedly bouncing him in them and grinning, talking to him and fussing with his blondish hair.

Liam thought it was going to turn brown when he got older, I told him to not get too cocky.

I mean seriously.

He had already started planning ahead for these kids. Way further than we needed to.

I wasn't getting a boat when the man I was marrying couldn't swim.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now