2009- part III

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Liam looked as if he had seen a ghost the minute he saw Anais, like he was terrified that Noel was going to burst through the doors and demand they talk their shit out. So he was gladly relieved when he saw Meg standing in his house instead.

"Oh thank fucking god. Nearly started tweeting again." He says with a grin on his face.

I groaned.

"Put the phone away, please? We have company, and even the kids are on that junk less than you." I say, crossing my arms, which causes Meg to laugh.

Brief introductions are made towards the group of parents standing in the living room. It was slightly awkward, as Liam's brother's ex wife had now joined the fray and I could just tell, these people wanted answers about Noel.

"How did they all react?" I add, peeking over into the backyard, looking at the kids running around, happily.

"Fucking great. Laurie and Lennon were probably the happiest. Gene seemed miffed. He's a little sucker."

"You better not being your drama into the kids." Meg warns.

I nod my head, agreeing. Mainly leaving the other parents to listen in or what not. I didn't care at this point.

To be honest, I was just happy to see that the kids were all happy and hanging out.

"Wanna see the photo I took? Got em all lined up." Liam says proudly, pulling out his phone and showing us a few low quality, slightly blurry images, until he finds a clear one of Gene, Anais, Laurie and Lennon.

"That's cute. Send that to us." I beam, nudging Meg in the arm, who giggles, looking at how young and playful they looked.

"Already did! And I put it on tweeter. People love it. Think we're fucking awesome."

"Don't you mean Twitter?" One of the parents says, causing us to turn around and look at them.

"Right. Sorry. Been a long week for all of us, hasn't it?"

There's a general consensus that Liam is right and things calm down, everyone settling down into a chair out on the sun porch, watching the kids romp around, or watch the movie set up on the projector.

No one knowing what was brewing on the internet, all because of what Liam had decided to post on Twitter.

Until Meg's phone started ringing. Like crazy.

"Who the fuck is that?" I ask, setting my glass down on the table, curling up next to Liam even more.

Meg shrugs and looks over the screen and her face pales, thrusting it around towards us and looks out over at the kids.


"Liam what the hell did you post?" I mutter

"Just the photo, and uh a caption."

"Don't you have him blocked so he, I don't know, can't see your posts?"

"How do you block someone? I've had this shit for like two weeks now. I just like sending messages out. It's fun."

"Show me. Now." I scowl, watching him pull up the bird app on his phone, where there were thousands of notifications.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now