2009- part II

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This was by all means a mess. Liam and Noel were no longer speaking. Everyone was picking sides and worst of all, it seemed that even the kids were getting involved. For they'd all lost the company of Anais.

They'd been proper friends for years now, hanging out at Oasis shows, on vacations, play dates, everything. She had practically been Laurie's best friend outside of school.

Speaking of school, even while all of the kids went to private school, there was still the issue of keeping quiet about the whole mess.

People already talked about them. About us.

It was irritating, finding paps lurking outside of a school, or getting calls from antsy parents trying to figure out where you were or what was next. Then there were the parents who thought we were "unholy." Jesus. We couldn't win here.

A few days before the kids were set to go back to school, we decided on having a conversation about it all. Settling on saying that Uncle Noel and their father needed a break. Nothing more.

They were kids.

No one needed to know anything else. It made me feel sick that we were having to prepare the children to not spill our information to people who might pry.

"Can we still see Anais this weekend? You promised!" Laurie exclaims, seated on the carpet.

I look down at the ground.

Liam sighs before saying "No we can't.. Uncle Noel doesn't want that and besides, we can't this weekend. Don't you want to see a friend at school or something?"

Thank god. He had an answer.

She thinks about it, and before she answers, Gene perks up "Can I have a friend spend the night?"

"Yeah. Can I have one too?" Lennon asks quietly, he'd always seemed more shy to me out of the three children.

Sometimes I wondered how Molly acted, how she was, hell, how Lisa was. But all I knew is that we weren't friends and she was on Noel's side of things here. That was the last I had heard.

The whole thing frustrated me. She was supposed to have been in the wedding. Molly was supposed to be a guest at it. It was a small step in the right direction. But apparently, having Anais and Laurie play as flower girls offended her.

It was stupid.

She was mad and told me I didn't try enough. Which was bullshit for years I had tried to get Liam involved, from the get go I had. It's not my fault I can't control a man and what goes on in his head.

So I'd been cut off from her for about three years now.

Moving along. A sleepover was something Liam and I hadn't allowed yet. That was unmarked territory, for one we had a peculiar home, loads of expensive and irreplaceable things that even our kids had trouble staying away from.

Then there were parents. Liam and I had really avoided the whole topic of meeting the kids peers or their parents, we were a quiet bunch and usually liked to keep conversations about friends to a bare minimum.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now