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I'd finished getting ready awhile ago, now I could hear Matt in the shower, from downstairs as I casually flipped through the new edition of Rolling Stone, trying to ignore the photos of Oasis that were always popping up. However, I couldn't help myself from peeking at Liam.

My eyes looking over his expression, reading the interview, saying that tensions were just as high with Noel, while Noel seemed to be saying the opposite on the phone.

The last time we had spoken had been a few days ago, the topic of discussion being that of Molly and how she was doing, as I was going to be in LA for much longer than I would've preferred at the moment. Besides, Matt was here and I couldn't exact spring the fact that I liked living in the UK on him.

As if on cue, the phone rang, picking it up with no hesitation, I say "Hey, you've reached Avery, who is this?"

The answer came rushed, quicker than I'd ever heard the man on the other end speak, but not in the urgent way, more as if he was out of breath. "Hey, Avery! Glad I could reach you Birdie. It's been a bit, besides, last time I called some other bloke answered the phone."

"You mean Matt." I correct, knowing it was Liam on the other line.

"Right, whatever the hell his name is." There seems to be aggravation on his end as he says this, but he quickly continues on. "Look, I've gotta make this quick, I've got to get back to-"

"Lennon. I know. It's okay Liam. You honestly didn't have to call me." I lie.

There would never be a moment where I wouldn't accept a call from Liam Gallagher. Just recently, they seemed to be hurting the other more and more. As he was always with his child, well the one he chose to acknowledge and Patsy.

And it was the same with me, I was either out with friends or Matt.

So the cycle continued, both of us hurting the other, over and over again.

"I did need to call you. I miss your voice. Hearing it on the television isn't enough anymore." He says longingly.

"I'll be in Europe in a few weeks. Maybe I'll stop by your place..." I trail off, knowing I most likely wouldn't be able to.

"That depends on the day, just call to let me know. Besides, I want Lennon to meet my-" he pauses, thinking of what to call me. We didn't want to be friends. But it was safe territory for us. Neither of us could afford to be cheaters at the moment.

His voice grows hushed and more quiet, somehow managing to sound more sweet than rough around the edges "My great love. Of course I want Lennon to know you." He finishes, his last sentence louder than the first.

I was clutching the phone tightly now, holding it up to my ear, wanting to hear more. Only instead, I hear a baby crying.

Lennon was up from his sleep I was assuming, then came the yelling. From Patsy. Who seemed to be having the same thoughts, the same fears that Matt did.

That Liam and I were still infatuated with one another. That we were cheating. Something like that.

Which was ridiculous. We weren't. But, there was a level of attraction, of tension and romance that neither of our current partners would ever be able to satisfy.

Listening in, I could hear the outline of their fight.

"Who the hell are you on the phone with this late?" Patsy yells, and from what I hear, picking up the crying child and trying to soothe it.

Oh my god. Had he called me from the nursery? From his bedroom?

The idea of that made me want to die. It was embarrassing and something, we both wanted to avoid.

"Relax, it's just fucking Avery!" He exclaims, moving the phone away from him.

"You had to call her in the middle of the night? REALLY?" Patsy exclaims. The bickering continues, until I finally hang up myself, not wanting to hear anymore of the fighting I had most likely just caused between the married couple.

Also, unfortunately for me, it seemed Matt had been watching silently from across the room.

"What was what?" He asks confusedly, pointing down to the kitchen phone.

"Domestic disputes between Liam Gallagher and Patsy Kensit. I got to referee." I joke to Matt, who thankfully laughs, not seeing anything else there.

"Surprised they haven't separated yet, from as much as they fight when he calls. Jesus. It's fucking scary." He adds, as we make our way out to his car, going to meet two very different people.

Speaking of which, I decided to ask what Matt knew about Edward Norton, seeing as I knew next to nothing about the man. "Do you know anything about him? Ed Norton, I mean." I correct, not wanting him to think of Liam.

As we drive, Matt nods his head. "Er, not much. Dude is a great actor, pretty funny I think and is set to be in a lot of big films coming up."

He seems on edge, once again, focused on his latest project being sent up and into the stars.

"Think you'll get any major offers soon?" I ask casually.

He shrugs "It's hard to tell. My manager thinks so. Says the new one should really throw my name out there. Hell, Jude Law is in it Avery!" Matt nudges me gently, once again, getting excited.

Was I going to tell him I had no idea who that was? No. He seemed thrilled at the idea of what was coming to him and I didn't want to ruin it.

Matt was one of those people who could just make you smile and happy, even when it wasn't his intention. He was sweet, kinda dopey, and reminded me of a slightly more mature version of Leonardo DiCaprio.

Maybe all movie stars were the same. Hell, I wouldn't know. I'd stuck to rockstars for so long, I'd never even managed to "shop in any other department." But, if I was going to be honest, Matt Damon made me feel like I won the lottery all the time. And that was what made me attracted towards him even more.

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