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Jerking myself awake, I look around frantically to see my hands sitting on the bowl of a very nice toilet, my vision still blurry as fuck, a slight remembrance of what had been happening up until this point. A hand is resting on my shoulder, and before I know it, I'm being shaken again.

"Avery, Birdie, darling, speak up. I need you to say something." The voice says frantically.

"I'm here." I grumble softly, looking around and saying "I was just, tired and now, it's all blurry. No fuzzy."

"What is?" He asks sharply. I don't answer, instead, whipping around to the toilet and throwing up, feeling the hand move my hair out of the way and then press down on my back calmly, trying to soothe my disposition.

"I'm sorry. You shouldn't be doing this. I'm Avery." I mumble before smiling a little, offering my hand in a random direction, as I couldn't really see anything clearly at the moment, as the trip was apparently still partially in affect.

"Birdie, it's Liam." He says softly, understanding I couldn't fully understand what was going on.

It made sense.

The sudden change of music, everything. How had I not realized it from the 70 times he'd said Birdie? Or from his voice? His touch?

"I'm sorry." I sputter, sniffling a little. I'd thought, no dreamed about seeing him for months, unsure of how it would happen or what I wanted to happen. Only now, I could barely make out his face, and I was dealing with the after effects of a bad trip.

It was humiliating.

But I couldn't leave. It would be worse if I went and asked for anyone else to help. I didn't want Matt seeing this, or Kate, Jude, or even Gwyneth. "Please don't tell, please Liam." I mutter.

He groans "Birdie, why are you taking random drugs at parties? You're a smart bird. You know better." He sits down next to me, pulling me closer and plants a kiss on my cheek. "Don't you dare tell me I can't do that."

I had to. Matt was here. He was downstairs and I didn't want to hurt him. I cared about him.

So, I whine a little bit. "Stop it. I'm here, with Matt." I mumble, knowing he would be disappointed.

"Oh. Birdie. You're a stubborn one. But I'll respect it." He murmurs, sounding hurt, as if he too had looked forward to the idea of kissing me.

"You've still got Patsy don't you?" I ask.

"I do. I hope you'll come meet Lennon. He's a smart kid. You'll like him." He scratches his head awkwardly before lifting me up off the ground, helping me lean against the wall.

"Birdie, you're all gross, there's a bath right there, already filled it up. Look, I'll leave you be, go find Matt for you or something." He starts heading to the door, going to unlock it, and I whip my head over towards the sound of the noise and say "Please don't go."

Liam nods, stopping and unlocking the door back, although he stays facing it, assuming that I don't want him to watch me change out of my clothes.


Thankful for that, I start, stripping out of my teeshirt, only having trouble with my belt that held up my skirt, starting to get frustrated with the blurred vision on my end, I stomp my foot and groan, muttering something under my breath about how annoyed I was with the whole thing.

"Do you need help?" He asks, almost sounding like he was in pain.

I nod my head, turning to face him, hearing his footsteps, as he stops in front of me, undoing the belt and my skirt, which slide off with ease after that.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now