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Flying Business had been exhausting there hadn't been much privacy for us, and we were getting looks from other people on the plane half of the time. Luckily, no one had a camera and it seemed that most people were just surprised.

Noel and Meg had been on the row across from us, mainly trying to keep Anais quiet. Which had proved to be difficult seeing as how she kept crying every time there was turbulence.

Liam's regret was not purchasing ear plugs.

Either way, we had made it back home and gone our separate ways from everyone else. There was a different energy in the air though, as the for sale sign now hung in the yard and the grass looked greener.

Literally and metaphorically too.

Neither of us had bothered lugging our bags upstairs and had just dropped them into the hall, both of us heading over to the phone, I had practically forced Liam to promise and call Patsy to ask about seeing Lennon.

Molly had been a different argument.

I couldn't understand why he was so against seeing his other child. She was about two now, still not young enough to even understand the situation.

So why he was always so hesitant to see her, or even create a relationship was beyond me.

I didn't feel like arguing, being partially jet lagged and not wanting to hear a grown man whine, I had just let it be, settling with him calling one woman.

"Patsy, you there?" Liam asks awkwardly

"Thought you were still in France. Didn't Avery OD?"

"What? No. It was a coma and she's fine. Her fucking family, they are mental, I mean seriously. Made up lies and all that."

"Right, why are you calling?"

"Er, to arrange time to have Lennon." He says it quietly at first, sounding a bit embarrassed, however Patsy sounds thrilled at the initiative he has decided to take.

"You are? That's great. Here I'll even put him on the phone now!" She beams. Then there's silence for a few seconds before the babbling of a baby is heard.

Liam smiles, actually happy to hear his kid and starts to talk to him before starting the conversation up with Patsy again. "Look. What works best for you?" She asks

"What do you mean?"

"What days would work best for you?"

"Couldn't we switch off every couple of weeks?" He asks. "Also right now might not be the best time."


"We're moving, need a bigger space. That's all."

"Bigger space? Liam that house has five bedrooms-" She stops herself before figuring it out "Oh! Congratulations!" Patsy sounds genuinely happy for him.

"Thank you. But um, look I'll call again, work out this shit, because trust me, I do want to see him and I know Avery does as well."

"Good. One more thing, I'm glad you've found someone Liam. Really. It's nice to see you happy."

He doesn't seem to know what to say next, and hangs up before looking up at me "Do I have to call Nicole now?"

This man was exasperating.

"Yes. You do. So go ahead, call her now please."

He groans, typing out the number and waiting a few seconds until a female voice picks up. "Who is this?" A perky voice asks

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now