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Liam was standing in the mirror, looking over the WaitTime shirt he'd just put on. The logo for my band sitting right on his chest. He pulled at it, trying to stretch it out before turning to me and saying "It's very...American, very Grunge."

Giving him an exasperated look, I respond by saying "It's a tee shirt Liam. How else is it supposed to look?"

He shrugs and I look at his reflection and realize he was kind of right. He did kinda fit the description of America's rockstars at the moment. Which caused me to laugh a little bit.

"And what you might be laughing at?" He says crossly.

"You." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

Picking me up, he tosses me onto the sofa and says "That was out of pocket! I'm not liking the affect Albarn's having on you. Turning you into quite the nasty girl isn't he?"  A half hearted grin on his face.

"You can't talk to me about being nasty, Liam Gallagher. I have no doubt that this apartment was filthy before I decided to come and visit you." He's silent for a few seconds which allows me to assume that I'm right about that. "Did you even try cleaning part of it by yourself?" I add, interested in knowing how much of it had been done by a professional.

"A little bit.." he says sheepishly, but to me it just sounds as if he's lying.

"You bold faced liar!" I yell, standing up on the sofa and then practically pouncing onto his back, only to be hoisted over his shoulder and back towards the bedroom. "Put me down you heathen!" I exclaim loudly as I thump back down onto the bed, Liam walking over to his nightstand and grabbing his pack of cigarettes, which quiets me down, seeing as I wanted one.

"Birdie want a cig?" He teases, waving the pack in my face for a moment as he reaches into his pocket for his lighter and pulls one out for himself and lights it cautiously. "Birdie should be nicer then." He teases, which causes me to stick my tongue out at him and stand up, approaching him quickly, trying to grab at the cigarette hanging from his lips loosely.

He chuckles, wrapping an arm around my waist snugly as I finally snatch it from him and press it to my own lips, taking a few seconds before exhaling and handing it back to Liam.

It was silent for a few seconds, both of us enjoying the others presence. Only after placing the cigarette into the nearby ash tray, Liam places both his hands on my hips and begins to sway gently, looking up confused, I say "Liam. What the hell are you doing?"

"What does it look like? I'm dancing with you." He answers quickly

"There's no music you idiot." I murmur softly, leaning into his chest, moving my arms up so they rest around his neck. He groans, "You women are always so picky. Yet always right."

With that, he guides the two of us towards the living room and to the record player, and after a few moments I can hear Blondie's Hanging on the Telephone start to play. "You're a Blondie fan? You, of all people?" I ask skeptically, not trusting this for a second.

"What can I say? Debbie Harry's a fine lookin lady." He winks and starts to pull me closer again and says "We could make this more fun you know..."


He gently tugs on the necklace I have around my neck, and then looks up at me, pouting a little bit. He knew the fucking cross wasn't an actual cross. That bastard.

"How'd you know?" I ask softly.

"You think I'm blind mate? I've seen plenty of those in my lifetime, plus that little cunt from Blur makes it obvious." He says, chuckling.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now