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It had been maybe 40 minutes of being alone. I'd heard a couple curses thrown around, something thrown and that was it. I finally got up, walking over to the mirror, my face stained with my mascara and eyeliner. Feeling the furthest thing from pretty at the moment, I turned away, sniffling a little, still partially holding back tears.

Then, the bedroom door opened. Liam walking out. At first he ignores me and heads towards the door, but then stops, not even bothering to unlock it and turns around and stares at me blankly for a few seconds before groaning. "Avery. Come here." He says stiffly.

I don't move a muscle. Standing my ground.

"Fine. Don't. Just get cleaned up, you've got that shit all over your face and I don't need you fucking embarrassing me when my mates stop by." He pauses, groaning again, as if he realized how shitty he sounded. "Fuck. Let me start over." He turns back to the door and then turns around again, approaching me this time, my lips quiver a little and he lifts a finger to them, stopping any noise from leaving them.

"Birdie, Avery. I'm sorry for overreacting. It's just, you're a very pretty girl, well not pretty, fucking hot is more like it. And I get jealous and said some very nasty shit. You didn't deserve to hear any of that. I care about you a lot, and despite whatever or whoever you've managed to befriend. You're the face I want to come home to, you're the face I want and, need to kiss."

I stand there silently, not returning the kiss he gives me, and he pulls away, an agitated look on his face once more.

"Fuck, are you serious?'re breaking me in two here, hearing you in the other room and all that. I'm sorry. You know that right?" His voice cracks a little. I start to feel bad, knowing that perhaps he had genuine concerns and intentions here. So I lean up and kiss his lips softly and then say "you're forgiven..."

He didn't deserve my apologies, but this was what happened when I liked someone. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, whether they deserved it or not.

Liam smiles and then pulls me in for a hug, tightly squeezing me and then letting go and saying "I'll be back in a few, I've got a few errands to run, and hey, maybe I'll bring you a present." He winks before pressing another kiss to my lips and then heading to the door. While I rush to the telephone.

Quickly dialing the number that belonged to one Courtney Love.

"Hello? Who the fuck is this? Where is this even from." She yells into it, after all, I was calling from Liam's phone.

"It's me Court, I'm staying at Liam's for the week, remember?" I hiss into the phone, slowly getting aggravated.

"Oh. It's you Avery. How's it going there anyways?" She asks "You sound like you're coming off of something or that you've been crying. Which is it?"

"Both.." I say softly

"Oh hon, what's wrong? Also do I hear Blondie?"

Yes. She did. Heart of Glass was now playing, and I didn't have the heart to go turn it off. For I was a sucker for Blondie and even in the worst of times, I couldn't resist listening to the voice of Debbie Harry. She was absolutely magnetizing.

I ignore this question however and launch into the story with Liam, feeling myself start to get worked up again.

"Definitely sounds like insecurity mixed with coke. But still, what a douche bag, like seriously, who gets mad over Thurston? As if he's a threat to the English man population. Spoiler alert, he's not Avery."

"Court. Not helping."

"Sorry. But did he sound sorry? Or was it a pathetic type of sorry, like the shit someone says as a last resort?" She asks

"It sounded sincere, and I mean he was throwing things around and well, yelling slurs at himself in the bedroom." I say softly, adding what I hadn't mentioned before.

"Hon. He's beating himself up over it. He's a British man with anger issues, of course he's going to be a blunt asshole on coke. He meant his apology, I think. Was he still wearing the shirt or did he change?"

The shirt. I had failed to notice it then, but he was still wearing the WaitTime shirt when he'd left. He hadn't changed, unlike his pants or shoes. He'd kept the shirt on. Courtney was a genius at times and you have to give her some credit.

"Courtney! You're a Fucking genius! I've got to go, I'll talk to you later." Before she can even respond or tell me how she knows about her excellency, I've hung up, prancing around to the rest of the song, happily thinking about how I somewhat knew Liam had meant his words.

Slipping the Blondie record back into its packaging, I begin looking through Liam's record crate, well after cleaning myself up of course and eventually settle on a Beatle's compilation album, deciding that since he was so fucking in love with them, nothing could go wrong when he'd come back.

And sure enough, it did.

I'd used it as a peace offering.

"The Beatles? Thought you hated em?" Liam asks, slipping through the door, carrying two bags in his hands, each seemed stuffed to the maximum capacity.

"I do..just thought you'd enjoy it." I say, sending a wink at him.

He catches on, loosing the look of confusion on his face. "You sly Birdie...Play whatever you want doll, I'm not mad at you, and had no right to ever have been mad.." He says, plopping the bags on the counter. "Got you some lunch, and a little surprise in the other bag."

I stand up, curiously and then peer into the second bag and then see it's got a few new records in it. Three of the, being WaitTime's entire discography and the other three being from various other Grunge Bands, but finally, in the back, sat two Blur records.

"I meant it when I said anything you liked. Including that rubbish..." Liam teases before combing out a knot in my hair, I nearly topple over in laughter as he says "The cashier thought I was mental. Believe it or not."

I stand there, grinning for a moment before spinning around to face him and kissing him tightly, throwing my advice of not forgiving him yet out the window. The small and large acts of sacrificing his pride and ego was enough for me. Besides, it was funny.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now