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After the people of NME had packed up, leaving to set up at the stage, as they were taking photos of the show, everyone seemed to be calming down and spreading out. Liam and I were back in the dressing room, this time, he was plopping his bucket hat on my head, messing my hair up.

Whining a little bit I say "Hey! Don't do that." Crossing my arms, watching as he pulls it off, amused with the static in my hair and then pats it down.

"Quit fussing, you look fine." He says, sitting down and pressing kisses to my jawline, before motioning for me to come closer to him, pulling me into his lap gently, my legs wrapping around his waist, our noses touching.

But before we could get any further the door burst open, revealing no other than Noel. "Oi! Get up. They need you on stage."

Liam scowls, annoyed that he's being pulled away and says "Can it not fucking wait?"

Noel shakes his head and leans against the doorway as Liam gets up and starts heading to the door, mourning 'I'll be back' to me in a joking manner. Only, Noel didn't follow after him. He lingered in the doorway for a minute before entering entirely.

He leans against the counter in front of me and frowns. "Listen here Pince. I hold more respect for you than those other whores my brother has chosen to hang around, want to know why?"

I look confused, not doing anything, just letting him continue.

"We're both musicians. I can respect the artistry of whatever it is you do. Congratulations, you made it past the groupie level. But let's get one thing clear. No one gives two fucks about you. Not even Liam."

I lean back in my seat. "Why should I believe a word you say?"

"I'm not finished yet. He likes you for the same reason, all your little shitty fans do. Two words Pince. Sex appeal. You're a shiny toy that he can do damage to." He snorts before laughing and goes on "Well, maybe not much. Seeing what your reputation already is."

"Fuck off. Why are you telling me any of this?" I ask curiously, still not believing a word out of his mouth. It all seemed fake to me, like none of it was true.

Especially since it was coming from Noel's mouth.

"Like I said before, I have some respect for you. You're an artist, just like us and to be quite frank. I don't want a poorly produced album being about Liam in the end. That's what you do right? Complain about men who don't love you? Or am I thinking of another?"

I had honestly no idea what he was talking about. "Noel. If a man could write about heartbreak, rejection, fear of losing someone, why can't a women? We're more fragile and wouldn't that make for a better song?"

He doesn't answer, growing annoyed at the fact that I don't seem to be believing the bullshit coming from his mouth.

"Cat got your tongue?" I say, pouting.

He scowls, "Who the fuck do you think you are? You think he invited you here because he's interested in you? In what you have to say, or what you think about things? As if you're so fucking interesting?"

I gape at him, going to stand up, approaching where he was, a few feet away from him. "You're washed up. And still not number one."
My lips curl into a grin.

He pushes me back, and I catch myself, making sure I don't fall. "Fuck, are you dumb.. You came onto Damon, even before Liam. Moving from person to person to stay relevant. Is that why you left? No one at home wanted to touch you?"

"Every time you start talking, I think to myself, who the fuck does this girl think she is? You are SO fucking boring. Hey, I'm going to be honest with you, because no one else will. Any guy who says he's interested, beyond just fucking you? Is lying. So good luck with Damon. Hell, good luck with Liam."

I stand there for a moment, unphased by everything he had just said. "Does it hurt?" I ask.

"What the fuck are you going on about?"

"Does it hurt, knowing that none of those people are there for you? They're here for Liam. The more relevant, popular, hot Gallagher. The one with the more fame, girls, talent, then you'll ever get."

He doesn't say anything, instead, he mumbles under his breath and then opens the door and walks off. I didn't want to be in the room any longer, storming out and down the busy corridors, I practically forced myself to the wings to see find Liam.

And when I did, it was almost as if the anger had briefly subsided, hearing him on stage, singing into the microphone and preparing for the show.

He takes notice and sends a wink in my direction, deciding to start stop singing and start yelling "Avery Pince has very soft lips, my fucking god, it's like cotton candy. Too bad none of you can taste it."

I can myself start to blush as people around the room start to blush at what he's now yelling. "Cut it out!" I shout teasingly.

He pulls the microphone closer and then says "Make me, you little minx."

Without further ado, I run out onto the stage once more, nearly tackling him, instead grabbing the microphone and saying "Liam Gallagher is a sweetheart, he's been lying to you all the whole time!"

He pulls me away from the microphone and says "Alright, can't have you ruining my image now, can I?"

Seeing as he was in a good mood, I decided not to mention what had happened with Noel, especially since it was close to show time. I didn't want them fighting through the whole show. As I knew they could get vicious.

Which is something I did not want to witness or be the cause of.

(Ft I took some inspiration from the Euphoria Scene.)

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