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Wait a minute? Why was I even acting like my feelings mattered in this scenario? I was the woman, the other woman who had just fucked a married man. Why was I acting all, I don't know, stupid?

Like a lost puppy?

This was my ex boyfriend. The man I had written a whole album of hate about. But here I was, giving him sympathy? Acting like it was a good idea to have entertained any of this?

I was a fool around Liam. I lost my senses. My rationality. Fuck it. My human decency. Still, I was rediscovering I liked him in a way, just like I had before, where we were quick and sharp witted, acting like little kids.

But now, I had to be a grown up, and tell him off for it all.

My head was starting to hurt, probably out of confusion with my feelings. I felt like I was bouncing back and forth from Liam and sanity.

The devil on my shoulder telling me it was fine, anyone would've done the same thing, especially considering our history and feelings for the other.

The Angel however, was telling me it was fucked up.

And I agreed with fictional little Angel more.

"You could've told me you were married at least." I say, huffing as I zipped my boots up.

"Does it matter?" He asks

I gape at him, for a minute not even seeing the man that was Liam Gallagher, but instead a douche with a very very attractive face.

"Yes! It matters! You promised yourself and your love to someone else! Not me. That ring, that you showed me? May not mean something to you, but it does to someone else. Telling me you're married, means I wouldn't have done this! I wouldn't have said yes." My voice cracks.

"But I don't care about them, or think about them half as much as I do you." He adds, now twisting the ring on his finger.

I sigh. "That's an issue. You cheated on your wife though. Someone who loves you, and you slept with me."

"Birdie, you're always going to be better. The minute you left the UK I was miserable, you don't understand. Patsy, she filled the void, but you're here again. I want you."

"Do you hear yourself? You are with someone else, and all things aside! Say I did want to fuck someone who was married, I don't want to be second or the throw away girl. Liam, I refuse to be that."

He scoffs. "Maybe if you hadn't left, it would be you with the ring on your finger."

The Liam loving side of my heart soared at that for some reason, even though marriage was something I despised. Purely because of reasons like this.

People like Liam existed.

And unfortunately, I couldn't ever get enough of him.

"I'm very glad I did leave, because then I would be the one being cheated on, and led to believe we were in love?" I say

"What? No! Avery, I wouldn't have ever cheated on you." He says angrily.

"We wouldn't have ever been married!" I exclaim. "I would have said no!"

"Why?" He says, stepping back.

"Look at this Liam. We're awful people, and two awful people do NOT make a right. It would be hell with you."

He seems to be ignoring everything I've been saying. "When can I see you next?" He asks

I close my eyes, clenching my fist, before stepping forward and slapping him across the face. "Do you not understand what I'm saying?"

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now