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Quickly changing clothes, throwing on a pair of baggy jeans and a somewhat ripped tight crop top, with my slip on vans and black cardigan, I pushed open the bedroom door and looked over the group in front of me. "I was promised pancakes." I murmur.

"What's this about the VMAS?" Damon asks, pouting a little bit.

"Apparently, I'm going and maybe, just maybe the hit Britpop band Blur.." I say trailing off.

"You're joking right?" Alex says slowly, looking up from the kitchen table. "You're taking us to the VMAS? In America?"

I nod my head. "A lot of people I haven't seen in awhile are going and, I just, well thought it's be more comfortable if I brought you all with me.."

"My god, Avery. You're amazing." Damon practically dashes over to give me a hug, followed by Graham and Alex. The moment was sweet, until Alex pulled away, claiming he was ready to go eat.

Which was honestly a mood, as I had been ready for us to go eat for a while at this point. So out the door we went, gathering what we needed, wallets, at least one pack of cigarettes, and a lighter.

"So what are the VMAS like?" Graham asks as we start walking around the streets, probably towards the diner that was a few streets over.

"Very fake. Very catty." I answer. "Trust me. You don't want a moon man."

"An award is an award you know." Damon says pouting "Besides, I'd get to see Karlie in the flesh."

Damon still didn't know about the feud between Karlie and I, and I wasn't ever going to tell anyone about it. No one needed to know we weren't speaking. Well, Courtney knew. That was it.

"You'll have fun though. You get to make fun of other celebrities, get drunk and usually hang out backstage if you're a musician and not a random celeb there."

"Sounds good to me." Alex says grinning.

"Of course it does." Graham says as we continue walking along. "More excited to mingle. Plenty of musicians attend those awards."  He adds

"Well, I guess. Usually I just pay attention to the people in my own scene if I'm being honest." I shrug my shoulders.

"Remind me why people don't like you? Or cal you a bad influence." Alex says, poking fun at the titles I'd been given before.

"Friends of mine, dirty words I've sang, misunderstandings and misinterpretations of grunge. Or they're just misogynistic." I answer, giving an honest opinion.

"Misogynistic? Why in gods name would anyone-" Damon begins to say

"Some people don't like the idea of women screaming, flipping people off, taking back their femininity. It's a whole thing. Made a new scene of female punk. Not sure if any of you'd really like the sound, but it's good."

"People like that still exist?" Alex asks

"Of course they do. Misogyny is passed down through families and often leads to mindsets not being properly corrected. It's a whole thing."

"Men are stupid. Well, some of us." Graham says. "Like us, we're not stupid."

"You sure about that one?" I ask, pushing open the door to the diner.

He doesn't answer, and a group of snickers erupts through the group as we go and sit down at one of the open booths, continuing our conversation for awhile , eventually getting our food and beginning to eat.

My mind drifted out of the conversation and more towards the idea of the VMAS and facing people I had been trying to avoid for months at this point. People I'd once been extremely close with.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now