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Two months had passed since the issue of Rolling Stone had come out. Two months since Liam and I had chosen to announce our engagement to practically the whole universe, and now, he was back on tour for Oasis. Something I normally would've loved to go with him on. But I couldn't.

Graham and I were still recording our solo project, it was only January, but still, we had a lot of work to do and only a little bit of time.

Besides, we hadn't been able to do most of it, and had to push back some of our sessions, seeing how I'd been getting sick over the past few weeks. In fact, I had been sent home after throwing up in the studio.

That had been embarrassing.

Especially because Kim was there.

The good thing was that I was home alone for the most part, Kim was the only person who would really come and stay for awhile, except for the maid and pool cleaner that would stop by every few days, make sure no one was dead, or that nothing was broken.

I could take care of myself. But Liam insisted on having both people come by routinely, at least until the tests from a doctor came back.

Today had started off slow.

Painstakingly slow even. I managed to eat an egg and hold it down for maybe thirty minutes, before throwing up.

Then, I waited by the phone, knowing this was around the time Liam would call in the morning. I knew it because it was part of the routine we had developed. So when the phone rang, I eagerly jumped for it, answering after the very first ring.

"That was quick, wasn't it?" He says chuckling on the other end.

"Missed you. That's all. How's France?" I ask calmly, just wanting to hear the general details of his trip.

"Good. The city of love would be much more enjoyable with you though." Liam says in an honest tone, although I could hear a bit of tension, I just assumed it was real and from the constant singing he was doing.

"You know I wish I was there with you, but I've got-"

"The project, I know. Remember, I fucking tried to get you to pause that." Liam says, a bit of sincerity in his tone as he continues to speak.

"Have you heard back from the doctor yet?"

It had only been two days since I'd actually gone and had blood work done and all of that, because for a bit, I had been scared I had a serious medical condition.

"No. I'm supposed to hear back from them today." I answer, leaning back into the bed, sifting down into the pillows.

"You call me or my manager the minute you get the results, got it?" He says sternly.

"Got it." I say softly. "I really do wish I was out there with you. Maybe I could come for a couple days."

"No! Not while you're fucking sick Birdie. I'm not having it. Besides, it might mess up the surprise I'm making for you."

"The surprise?"

"Writing and creating something just for you. It won't be a piece of work or anything. But you'll like it. I hope."

"Of course I will. You should know better." This was usually the point in our phone calls where I started to long for him to be here, to actually be with me, where I could touch and feel him. And I could usually always feel his longing for me as well.

But today it felt different.

I wasn't sure how. But I felt as if he were distracted, that his mind was elsewhere. After he spoke a sentence, he would drift for a second. I didn't like it.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now