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Eventually making it back to Damon's apartment building, I sighed, feeling bad about Liam's eye and how he was stuck without a ride back to his hotel. The taxi had left while we were fighting, and I didn't blame him for it either. I would've done the same.

So, I was going to have to convince Damon to let him stay the night. Hopefully Alex, Graham and Dave weren't over. If all of Blur was there it would be more of a mess than it already was.

"I can just call another taxi you know?" Liam says as we walk up the final flight of stairs.

"No. It's late. About 2 AM. I am not letting you get possibly murdered. Besides, the worst Damon would do is tease the fuck out of you. So calm down."

"You say that a lot, but it doesn't feel like you're calm. Ever." He says smiling.

Pulling my keys out of my pocket, I start to unlock the door, hearing voices and the loud noise coming from the stereo. It was what I recognized to be my album. Oh fuck off Damon.

Pushing open the door, I peer into the new mess, Damon and Graham slow dancing to one of the more fast paced songs on the album, Dave sitting in the kitchen, sipping a cup of coffee and Alex attempting to figure out the crossword puzzle.

"What the actual fuck have you gotten me into?" Liam whispers into my ear, before nibbling on it a little before, I swat his head away.

Stepping inside, I look as Alex has tossed the paper aside and is staring straight at Liam then at me and frowns, yelling "Traitor! Damon, she brought the devil."

"Very funny Graham. But stop it. It's late, why are you all blasting Obliterate? The poor neighbourhood." I say, walking over to the stereo and turning it off. "He's here because our taxi ditched us and it's nearly 2."

Damon curiously looks at Liam "What's with the black eye buddy?"

"I could give you a matching one Albarn." Liam grumbles, clearly not in the mood to talk about it.

I shoot a warning look to Damon, who raises his hands in defeat before sitting down on the sofa. "Stop standing in the doorway and come in." I say, heading into the kitchen.

"You heard the woman! Get a move on buddy!" Alex says snickering.

"Did Noel not slam your head in the wall hard enough?" Liam asks, shutting the door and locking it, before following after me.

Dave seems to be the only one who doesn't particularly affected by the situation, as he's more caught up in his coffee, so he lifts the mug up and says "Cheers. The more the merrier."

Meanwhile, I was digging into the back of the fridge, trying to find a stupid ice pack. Eventually, I find one and pull it out, pressing it against his face gently.

Liam winces and I frown. "Does that hurt?" I ask, starting to move it away.

"No, trust me. It's perfect. You're an Angel, I swear by it." He whispers it, not wanting any of the boys to hear it. This causes me to laugh a little bit, as I found it cute.

"We're heading off to bed. See you all tomorrow. Nice seeing everyone again." I blow kisses towards the group and start to pull you off towards the bedroom.

Damon bolts up. "Hold up! This is my apartment and I don't like this." He says, wagging his finger at the two of us. "We need to set some ground rules in place. One, no fucking, please no fucking while we're here. Two, no mentioning Oasis or Blur. This is my house. Only grunge slander shall be tolerated."

I roll my eyes at this comment. "Really? You were just playing my album?"

"Shush. You brought Liam Gallagher into my apartment."

"Goodnight Damon." I say, sending him a wink, before pulling Liam into my bedroom, locking the door behind me. "Sorry about that. They're always here."

He sits down on my bed, lifting the ice pack to his eye again and then leans back, turning to the side, when he spots me getting undressed. "If I wasn't so injured, we'd be fucking right now." He pours.

"No. We wouldn't. Damon's place, Damon's rules." I say, before pulling a baggy shirt over my body and climbing back onto the bed, curling up next to Liam, who plops the ice pack onto the floor and pulls the covers up.

"God I'm in need of some sleep." He murmurs, I merely hum in response, just enjoying his company and not having to sleep along for the night. This time, without any sex involved. However, soon enough, both us had drifted far off into our dreams.


I awoke to hearing what sounded like banging on my bedroom door, with what sounded like Alex pounding on it. "He's killed her Damon! She's not answering! Liam, you fucker! Open the bloody door!" A long series of bangs followed, just as I sat up, turning to see Liam's head buried under a pillow.

"Make them, fucking stop, please." He sounded so broken, so upset with everything happening. I let out aloud laugh, before getting up and heading to the door, unlocking it, to see Alex standing in front of me, cheerfully, something hidden behind his back.

"Congratulations on your big break!" He says snickering.

"What the hell are you talking about? It's far too early-" he shoves a copy of NME into my hands and sure enough, splattered across the front page, there Liam and I were. The cover shot being one of us making out during the interview.

Something I didn't know they'd even photographed.

"You look hot. Ditch the Gallagher and come be with me Avery," Alex teases.

Across the room Damon joins in "Lots of boys and girls across the world are going to be cutting images of their copy of NME today Pince."

I pull the paper out of Alex's hands and shut the door in their face as I hear Graham say "They bought a lot of copies. Tried to stop them."

Turning back to the bed, I plop down on it and begin flipping through it. Almost none of it had managed to be about Oasis. It seemed they'd decided to focus on what they described as "the couple rock definitely didn't need, but loves."

"What was that all about?" Liam asks, sitting up groggily, his injury had started to fade overnight, it was still there, just less prominent and blotchy.

"Take a look." I say quietly, watching as his eyes gaze over the magazine. He rolls his eyes "Noel's right for once. What a bunch of pervs. Although, I do like that one though." He says flipping through and pointing to the photo of us messing around, halfway on the stage.

"I think these might be my favourite, cause you look like an idiot." I say snickering, flipping to where the photos of Liam fighting Noel were.

"Oh fuck off. You're a cruel bird aren't you?" He says

I shrug my shoulders and then shove the copy of the magazine off the bed, turning over to Liam and beginning to kiss him, sinking us down into the covers and sheets again.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now