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I looked over at the clock, seeing that it was around 11:10 now, so, he'd shown up right on schedule, just like he had said he would do. But now, I was occupied with Matt and the group, unable to bring myself to leave. Besides who couldn't resist discussing Brad and Gwyneth's engagement?

Wouldn't it be fun to poke around the edges with this whole rumor involving Jennifer Anniston?

I thought so at least.

"Don't you have a movie with Jennifer Anniston?" I ask, leaning into the table, faking a curious glance on my face.

He chuckles and then says "Yeah, yeah. It should be coming out soon. It's pretty good. You should go see it."

Jude seems to get where I'm going with this and kicks himself into the conversation "What about the rumors? Haven't you been cozying up?"

Gwyneth's eyes narrow and shoot over towards Jude, she looked like a deer caught in a bright light. I almost felt sorry for the stir I was making.

"Trust me, they're just rumors." His gaze more or less rests on Gwyneth as he says this, not paying attention to the other occupants at the table.

"Think Courtney Love heard differently." Jude continues, elbows digging into the table. "Or saw. Which was it Avery?"

How did he know? I had absolutely no memory of telling anyone about that, and Courtney had no relations to Jude in any way shape or form. It was confusing to me, how any of this could've been news to him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muse sharply, just trying to deny anything he was saying.

"Don't lie to the soon to be newly weds! Come on now!" I felt like this was foreshadowing for my own life if I was being completely honest, as if this is where everything in my own life was heading.

Not sure with who though.

"You're drunk, and don't know what you're saying." I snap, looking over at him aggressively now, honestly, normally I could tolerate him, but tonight with his girlfriend not in view and a drink constantly in his hand, I couldn't stand him.

Most drunk men I couldn't stand.

"We all get drunk Avery, it's what we do that matters." He grins, clutching his glass a little tighter, before winking.

"Jude. What the fuck are you doing?" Matt asks, leaning over, a confused look across his face.

"Telling the truth. Somebody around here needed to clean house, and it certainly wasn't going to be any of you." He scoffs, before spotting Kate over towards the bar and waves.

"You're drunk. Calm down and find someone to climb in your pants already." I groan, annoyed with whatever the hell was going on.

"You're very welcome to do it again if you'd like." The words slip out of his lips with ease, as if they meant nothing to him, which causes me to scowl, as if I didn't hate liars, I couldn't tolerate drunk ones.

Everyone is silent.

"What did you just say?" I tilt my head to the side.

"Fuck me. Again." He says, spacing out each of his words.

"I've never touched you-" I say frantically, whirling around to look at Matt, who had a strangely heart broken look across his face, as if he believed every word coming out of Jude's face. "I've never fucked him. Matt. Don't tell me you believe this shit?"

He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me blankly, before I turn around back to Jude, who's just laughing, Gwyneth and Brad are sitting silently, trying to figure their own shit out I guess.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now