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By the time I had woke up the next day, he was gone. There wasn't a trace of him left. However, the stupid fucking phone had a whole list of calls for me to go through and deal with. So, I started off with the obvious, returning my manager's calls, who seems relieved that I've finally called back.

"Don't worry. His team and ours have dealt with most of it. Most major outlets and tabloids are retracting any claim that says you were pregnant or ever carrying his child. However, the affair bit, we haven't been able to proceed with."

"What does that mean?" I ask quietly, turning to look at the empty spot in the bed, where Liam had been laying at one point.

"His team, would like to say it was an affair, as they think it credits his public image in a good way, keeping up the "Manchester Bad Boy" look. Their words. Not mine."

"And us?"

"Oh god, we want to deny that. Avery, do you know how bad it would look for us? And especially for you? Jesus. Geffen would probably look into terminating their contract with you."

"Holy fuck.." I murmur.

"Right. Now, don't worry. I'm flying out to meet with one of Oasis' reps later today. You just need to well, not be seen with any men today? Especially Liam. Avoid him like it's the plague."

"Don't worry. I don't intend on speaking to him for a bit."

"Why? This shouldn't have impacted you two that much." Steve says.

"Well, I'm letting him fix things with Patsy..Outgrow her?" I question my own thought process right then.

Sure enough, Steve groans "You're a good one Avery. I would've beaten the shit out of him. Anyways, I'll actually see you later. Will call later. Bye for now."

With that he hangs up and I've moved onto the next call. It was from Damon. He doesn't answer until the third time and seems to be in a pleasant mood.

"Please tell me you didn't listen to the voicemails I left."


"They're all congratulations messages, except I'm drunk." He says quietly, embarrassed.

"So I'm assuming you know I'm not pregnant now?" I say laughing.

"Duh. The news is freaking out, apparently you two have some very nice legal teams."

"Ah. Would you like to come by for a drink later? I've got a few nice bottles in my fridge." I say happily.

"They don't want you leaving the hotel do they?" He asks

"You'd be correct. I shouldn't be seen with men today apparently. That's what my manager says or whatever."

Damon chuckles. "I'll bring Graham too. He's been dying to see you.."

"What about Alex and Dave?" I question.

"Alex is hungover and er, I'm not ever really sure what Dave is up to. I think he's out of town."

"Graham is good enough for me anyways." I say through a bit of laughter.

"Great. I'll see you then."

Continuing through my calls, I check in with Kim and Thurston, eagerly explaining that no, I was not having a child, but there was a small chance I was tangled up in an affair.

This, got me in a bit of a fight with Kim, who scolded me for being stupid enough to run back to Liam.

However, the call ended with us on good terms. But the most surprising call, is at the very bottom and is from Lisa.

Intrigued, I dial back the number, checking the paper she'd given me to see if it matched.

"Avery, is that you?" She asks hesitantly.

"Hey! Yeah it is. You've got the right person." I say, trying to put on somewhat of a peppy attitude.

"Great. Look, I just, I've been watching the tv and seeing the paper and I feel awful, if you two hadn't come by then this wouldn't have happened." She sounds overly apologetic.

Oh my god. I was a monster.

"No! No! Lisa, trust me, none of it was your fault. I swear, we were just stupid, and anyways, it's probably for the best." I sigh

"What does that mean?" She asks curiously

"We've split up, again? I just want him to finish up with Patsy. Correctly."

"My god. You're a patient one." She muses.

I laugh a little, before changing the turn of the conversation "How's the little one coming along?" I ask

"Any day now. Quite literally."

I beam a little "That's exciting! Are you prepared? Worried?" I ask

"Definitely nervous, more so that Liam's going to bug off and never look back." She admits.

"Trust me. I'll beat his ass if he does that. He's going to look worse than he does after getting into it with Noel."

"I'll take your word for it." Lisa says before popping another question "Would you be interested in coming over later? Just to talk for a bit? I figured you could need some company."

I think about it and then say "I have a few hours I suppose, although, Graham and Damon are coming by to get plastered in a few."

"It's noon. I'm sure you have some time to spare as a sober woman."

I laugh "I'll be over in a few. I've got a few things to take care of first."

"See you then."

The phone conversation then ends and I look around, seeing the messy state of the hotel room, as Liam and I had often maid it where the maids wouldn't enter the room, just to give us space.

Picking up the phone, I dial the number for room service, calling for a maid to come up and then heading down to the escalator, hair sloppily pinned up, in one of Liam's shirts and a pair of spandex, with kitten heels.

I was heading towards the hotel's very nice breakfast hall/one of its restaurants. Somewhere I hadn't been before, and didn't quite care how I looked as I entered it.

"Table for one." I murmur, looking at the host standing in front of the building.

Giving me a strange look, he leads me in, past all of the regular type customers and towards the back, towards the more high end clients. Unfortunately. I wasn't alone. And was probably the most underdressed.

Fighting back my urge to snap at the woman staring at me, I sit down, burying my head into the menu, wishing that for just once, I didn't have people staring down my back.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now