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I was glad that we'd made the decision to return from our flights separately, as I ended up going back to my home town and visiting family before actually flying back to the UK, where unfortunately I still had work going on, and would continue to do so for awhile.

Luckily, my label was covering the cost of my hotel, so there weren't any worries. However, my concerns were more specifically linked with the press and Patsy.

It was wrong, I know, sleeping with a married man. But he had me sold on his words, we were in love and would stay that way. Plus, he was now going to try and see his first child when she came. And that was really a step up from nothing.

But I couldn't help but feel sorry for Patsy, especially when I was waking up in bed beside her husband most the time. He had started leaving clothes in my hotel suite as well, sometimes staying for days.

When I had told her she deserved better, I was being completely honest. She was an angel, who needed loving from someone who reciprocated her feelings.

Either way, it was a hard secret to keep, especially with nearly half of England's celebrities knowing about it. Sure, the boys of Blur were one thing, but to have other rockstars commenting on it was absurd. The speculation I overheard at parties.

How could anyone have gotten the idea that we were cheating?

We tried our best to never be seen together in public, only riding in cars with tinted windows and getting dropped off at different locations.

This particular morning, I'd rolled out of bed and into the kitchen, phoning up two breakfasts to room service, before making my way back to the bedroom, leaning over to kiss Liam's cheek.

"You should get up, you have food coming." I reach for his hand and tug on it a bit, causing him to groan.

"No thank you. I'd like to stay in bed all fucking day." He scowls, turning over to look at me.

"Why? What's up?" I ask confusedly, pouting a bit and plopping down beside him.

"I made plans to go visit Lisa and the well, thing today." He mumbles, rubbing his head lightly.

Picking up a magazine near us, I roll it up and hit him with it. "Stop calling your baby a thing! She's chosen to have it now, so it is your daughter."

"Jesus..Calm down, fine. I won't do it again, especially since you're coming with me eh?" He grins, as if this were a funny joke.

"Liam I don't think that's such a good idea, I don't want to upset the mother or anything. Besides! The press! And Patsy!" I exclaim in a hushed tone, hearing the cart roll into the room.

"Lisa doesn't care, besides, I asked if you could last week. And who cares about the press? I'll have a lawyer on their tails the minute they try to print something about us." He cups my cheek and kisses me.

I reluctantly return it, after pulling away I say "Fine. But you better have gotten a gift for the coming baby."

He looks down at the ground sheepishly.

"You're kidding me right? You didn't even get a fucking present? For your own kid?" I ask angrily. "Now we'll have to pick some stuff up too!" I say, running a hand through my hair.

"We'll have time, we don't have to be there till 2:30. And it's what? 10:30 now?" He shrugs.

I hit him with the paper again.

"You idiot! Go eat and then get dressed! Now I have to go find us a fucking baby store and ask to rent it out for a little bit." I groan.

"Isn't that a bit excessive Birdie?" He asks.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now