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The first show had surprisingly gone great. The stadium tour seemed to be doing great in the UK just like it had done the USA, so that was one thing that pleased both the artists and the labels.

My crew and touring musicians were just as composed and perfect as always, leading to an almost perfect set.

I say almost perfect because my mood had been thrown off after the interaction with the blonde woman by the name of 'Ms. Kensit'. It had even followed me into the afterparty and was still on my mind on the way to the hotel later in the night.

That was when I'd asked Courtney if she knew anyone with the last name Kensit. To my surprise she did.

"Oh babe, did those fucking reporters say something to you?" She asks sympathetically

"What? No. Something weird just happened."

Courtney narrowed her eyes "Spill."

"Well, Melissa and I were in the Gucci store, I know, us right? And this woman starts talking about how she wants us kicked out. So I straight up left and then, I ran into her again when I was exiting this cafe. It was totally fucking weird."

Rose perks up and says "You don't mean Patsy Kensit do you?"

"I think she does." Courtney groans

"Who the hell is that?" I ask, confused.

"Babe. It's Liam's new sheep." Courtney says, specifically avoiding the word bird, as if it would for some reason trigger me. It wouldn't. That would be silly.

"Oh." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Well I don't understand that, or why there's hate towards me. I allowed for them to happen practically."

"Hon, you two were slated to be Rock's new it thing. People still talk about it." Courtney says

"Maybe he's still hung over you?" Rose adds, trying to help the situation.

I look up at the ceiling of my car, frustrated. "Why? He made it clear he wasn't interested."

"Technically you broke up with him." Courtney adds.

Manson chuckles a little before saying "cause he and his brother are both little douche bags."

Everyone seems to agree with that statement, and we kinda leave it at that, changing the topic to something else, mainly Melissa's excitement about seeing the NME offices. I wasn't sure why she was so excited, but good for her.

Her enthusiasm was unmatched.

Ten minutes later, I was in my hotel suite, plopping down on the bed, the tabloid I'd picked up at the cafe in my hands. Knowing I'd regret doing this, I groan, but flip through it again, eventually finding the photos of Oasis.

Specifically Liam, and Patsy Kensit.

I sigh, tracing a finger over his photo, starting to think back to last year and those stupid weeks I'd spent obsessing over him. What made him so interesting? Why did I feel so attached to him? To a man that had never belonged to my heart to begin with.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now