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Over the next few days, we had finally established some ground rules and figured out what the hell we were and what this was at the moment, as it turned out, neither of us was good with labels or names for what we were. The first question we'd both had was were we dating? And the answer to that question was yes. It had been a little over a month now and it seemed we were still infatuated with the other one.

Then, it was were we exclusively one another's partners? This, had taken awhile to figure out, as apparently neither of us understood how decent relationships work. So no, kissing other people wasn't allowed, and no, neither was touching or fucking.

We'd decided to label that as cheating. How domestic of us. I believe I had said something similar to that, and Liam looked as if he was about to die. We were BOTH trying something new, I had to remind him.

The big question, had sparked a frenzy of more irrelevant questions, especially from me, this time. Since we were being "domestic" , were we also now boyfriend and girlfriend? I hadn't ever really done something like that since I was 16.

Turns out Liam had several times, except he cheated, and cheated, and cheated. So on so forth. I was honestly starting to lose faith in this man. And it had barely been a relationship. But we decided on yes. Even though we both liked the term partners more.

So that was the newly established relationship, that Liam, had seemingly just filled Noel in, as we were currently all seated in some random fucking pub. Had I wanted to meet up with Noel? Absolutely not. Had Liam? Absolutely not. Had Noel lied and said the band was celebrating something? Yes.

"How much more dysfunctional can the two of you get? My god. This is going to be a headache. Have you even thought about what she'll write about you when this is over? Actually forget that, think about how Courtney Love is personally going to flay you. That woman is batshit crazy, perhaps if you hadn't dated her friend, you would get along quite nicely." Noel says exasperatedly

"Hey! Leave Courtney out of this." I turn to Liam and then say "Although, I look forward to seeing your head on her wall." I tease.

"See? This is why I don't fuck Americans! They're fucking crazy. Especially those West Coast ones." Noel chimes in again, missing the joke.

Liam ignores him, finishing off his drink and then saying "How do you know we'll even break up? We're trying to live domestically now, apparently it's all the rage."

"It has been for centuries. You've just been too much of an arse to figure it out." Noel says rolling his eyes, waving his hand and signaling the waitress to get him another drink.

Oh boy. Two brothers fighting. I definitely didn't want to hear much more of this. I'd rather listen to a drunken Liam sing Here Comes the Sun again. Which was terrible I might add. I never wanted to experience that again as I could barely enjoy my fucking takeout food.

Getting up from my seat, I excuse myself from the booth and walk towards the bathroom, a wave of calmness and disposition flowing over me, seeing as I knew his eyes were following me as I walked. Entering the bathroom, I was surprised by the amount of chaos going on inside, avoiding most of if, I head towards one of the open mirrors and examine myself carefully.

Until I hear a voice come from one of the sinks nearby me. "Never seen Liam stay so dedicated to one girl for so it cause you're famous too or some shit like that?"

I don't bother looking away from the mirror and sigh, what is up with both men and women getting on me for seeing this man? Surely there had to be some angry WaitTime fans coming for him right?

"Yes. It's because my manager has created an elaborate love triangle confound the media over who I'll end up having children with! Surprise! It's going to be Damon Albarn." I snap sarcastically. Jesus Christ. What was up with people these days?

"Jeez, was only joking with you. Besides, the answer is you have nice legs, he's a sucker for those, name's Beth by the way." She says, offering her hand towards me, which I shake, pleasantly surprised I had done so. "Sorry, didn't mean to get you all twisted up, just wanted to see if you could dish it out."

"Intriguing. Why?" I ask

She shrugs "been around here for awhile, seen that idiot with a lot of whiney people, heard he had an American now and seeing as I like your band, I decided to see what I thought of you." Beth finishes her explanation, which leave me thoroughly surprised, if I was being honest.

This was like the first BRITISH WaitTime fan I was meeting at random.

Signing what I think was a post card, I made my way out of the bathroom, feeling more inclined to deal with the mess that was Noel and Liam. "Hello again Birdie, I missed you." Liam says, pulling me in for a kiss and then moving me onto his lap, knowing it would further piss Noel off, as he did not like our interactions.

"Go home if the two of you want to fuck, I came to get pissed, not pissed off watching a fucking rom com."

"Mmm, I'm comfy right here, what about you?" I ask Liam.

"Pretty good. I'm enjoying the company of a lovely woman and oh a garden troll apparently. Didn't know they existed."

"Funny." Noel says before flipping the two of us off and storming off, taking his drink with him.

There had been a lot of talk about us today, and where this was going and it made me feel uncertain, as this was the longest I think I'd ever been with someone. Ever. And now, in a situation where it was publicized and seen everywhere, it made me feel a little worse inside. "How long do you think this is going to last?" I ask slowly, pulling away from his grip.

He shrugs "I don't know to be honest Birdie. I'm trying to make it stay as long as it can though, because my god, no one in the world could ever beat you." He murmurs, biting down on my lip gently, our noses touching now. "I'm telling you the truth...Okay?"

I wanted to believe him. I really did. But a part of me knew, good things don't last forever. Because if they did, I wouldn't have ever ended up in England to begin with.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now