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Kitty Hawk, as it turned out, was not as interesting as I'd recalled as a child. So, we'd ended up spending most our time inside the home we'd rented, that overlooked the beach and the pretty little sand dunes.

That didn't mean we weren't occupied, as the owners of the house were well stocked up on puzzles and television programs. Plus, we could easily drive to the restaurants and whatever else they had going on.

Tonight, was one of those days. As neither of us felt like ordering in, or making something. We were finally going on an adventure on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

Neither of us dressed up, practically in the bare minimum of attire, I was wearing one of Liam's button ups, only really the bottom half of it buttoned up with a pair of shorts and high top converse, hair sloppy thrown up, of course, with sunglasses.

I didn't even want to get into whatever the hell Liam was wearing as it looked completely ridiculous.

But we'd piled into the golf cart that was available at the house and headed off onto the sandy roads made up Kitty Hawk.

"Where are we even going?" He asks impatiently, "Look, there's a fucking restaurant right there." He points to the most run down looking Pizza Hut I've ever seen.

"I'm pretty sure we've been eating from there all week." I say, continuing to drive, making sure his hands weren't anywhere near the wheel. "Besides. I'm looking for something specific." I shrug my shoulders, continuing to pass fast food restaurants.

Much to the whiner beside me's disapproval.

"Would you shut up?" I hiss

"No! Because all the good shit is gone and now, you're heading into unknown territory." He crosses his arms, which causes me to roll my eyes.

I scowl, deciding we were both too hungry to even bother trying anymore, so I pull over into the parking lot of the next place I see, which happens to be a diner. Not just any diner. But a 60's themed one.

"Bloody hell. Get back in the cart." Liam says, not liking it at all.

"No. I'm hungry. Besides. You can probably play the Beatles on the jukebox." I wink as he finally seems on board with our dinner.

Scurrying inside, sure enough, it's a mad man's wet dream, filled with everything that made Liam and I squirm. The employees in the poodle skirts, the pink tiles, everything.

The manager looks at us and beams, glad to see another set of customers walking in and smiles "Hi! How can I help you folks today?"

"Does that jukebox work?" Liam asks harshly, pointing to the one behind us.

She nods her head and then says "Oh my? From out of town aren't we?"

I nod my head and then say "Could we get a booth, as far away from everyone as possible? Please?"

The woman nods, grabbing a few menus and leading us out towards the back, and then as we sit, she pulls out her notepad "What drinks can I get for you all tonight?"

"Lemonade please." I say grinning, as Liam ponders his decision "Do you have beer?" He finally asks.

"We have root beer." She offers,

"No thanks, what about coke?" He tries again.

"We have Pepsi?" She tilts her head, it was an awkward conversation to have, especially with a grouchy Liam.

"That'll do." I say, flashing her a smile as she walks off. "Play nice." I warn, pouting a little bit, not wanting to start a scene in this tiny little diner.

"What kinda fucking joint doesn't have coke?" He whisper yells, "This is third rate Birdie."

"Let's just go to the jukebox. Okay? Spend some money there." I ask, getting up and making my way over to the jukebox, desperately trying to distract Liam.

The two of us look over the track list and much to his dislike, there's only about three Beatles songs on the whole damn thing. He only selects come together and then moves out of the way so I can pick a song.

Settling on Nancy Sinatra's These Boots are Made for Walking , I make my way back to the booth, taking a sip of the lemonade that had been left out for me before scrolling through the menu.

Liam, however, stays at the Jukebox for an excruciating long time, and doesn't even bother to return for about ten minutes, too focused on selecting what was turning out to be an entire playlist for this fucking diner.

I roll my eyes as he sits down, leaning across the table and kissing him gently. "What took so long?"

But before he can answer, one of the employees is looking at us and grinning. "Ooo look at the lovebirds! Better give them the special!" They call to the other staff members.

"Avery. What the hell is the special?" Liam asks, gripping his Pepsi tightly, watching as a bundle of workers walk out and approach our table.

Please don't start singing, please don't start singing. You're going to give all of a headache.

This is what's running through my mind. Unfortunately, it does not overpower the future of what was coming, as they all break into song, trying to recreate a bunch of different songs.

I look over at Liam, who's grimacing at the whole affair, and looks just ready enough to yell at everyone.

"Could we please order?" I ask, onto to fall upon deaf ears.

Liam clenches his fist, trying to focus on the Beatles playing in the background. But enough is enough.

I stand up, my drink in hand and then say "Please stop, we just want to order, eat and go. We have a flight tomorrow. Please." I take a sip of my lemonade, the cold taste soothing my head.

The employees seem to get the message and fuck off, leaving us with our waitress. "So, what can I get for you all today?" She asks

"I want the chicken tenders and fries," I say politely, refolding my menu as Liam tells the specifics about his burger before passing his menu to the waitress as well.

One she's out of our hearing, Liam leans across the table and whispers "Hopefully the food is better than the singing."

"You think the locals are able to endure it?" I ask.

"Fuck no. I bet tourism is what keeps this place alive, if I'm being completely honest with you."

He had a point. This place wasn't winning any awards with anyone. Well, at least I had him to keep my company. "So, I was thinking, we go walk on the boardwalk after this.. catch the sunset." Liam murmurs softly, trying to not sound sweet.

I grin. "Sounds great."

Soon enough we had our food in front of us, and had managed to stomach most of it. Well, Liam could eat his burger, my chicken tenders felt microwaved and I'd found a hair. So I wouldn't be touching it.

Liam's response had been to laugh and promise me an ice cream later on in the night. I would be making sure that promise was kept. That was a fact.

However, what I hadn't realized was that Liam had rigged the jukebox into playing Come Together on repeat, for hours. I didn't realize it until we were on our way our, and they were struggling to unplug the damn thing.

"What happened?" I ask confusedly

One of the workers shrugs "I guess some teen liked the Beatles too much."

As soon as we'd exited the restaurant, I nudged him hard.

"OW! What the fuck was that for? You're the one that dragged me to that bloody place." He moans

"Really? Rigging the jukebox? You realize that them unplugging it would do nothing right? It'll just go back to playing whatever it was on.."

He laughs "Trust me. I knew Birdie."

"How many times is it playing?" I ask hesitantly

"258, thanks to me and my pocket change." He climbs onto the golf cart, right before I do, ready to head off towards the boardwalk.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now