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Soon after Avery left the hotel room, leaving Liam to think about the whole ordeal to himself, angry with how Noel was trying to ruin everything he had worked so hard to create and keep with his lover.

He had made one mistake. One slip up. But his heart really did belong to Avery.

It's just, other women often slipped into his grasp . After all, he was a rockstar, and couldn't help himself. They were pretty, really, but nothing compared to Avery.

The way that he kept her photos in his wallet, and only showed them to Bonehead once. And it was completely on accident.

Yesterday had been a mess up.

But I mean, it was someone who made his heart pound with something he only felt for Avery. Instead, it had been the girl from All Saints. Nicole Appleton. That had been her name.

She had stunned him.

He would never admit it, but a small part wanted to make Avery watch him fuck her. Just to get revenge on her walking out to join his brother for the day.

Nicole was almost as attractive as Avery. Not the same, he could love Avery and never have to touch her again, it wasn't the same with the woman he had hooked up with.

What was bad was how he didn't have any remorse for what he had done.

Especially now that he felt wronged by Avery.

After all, he just wanted to keep her safe and their kid. The most important thing. They were having a kid. Liam was beyond excited. That was something he had dreamed about with Avery for years. Everything was going perfectly.

Till Noel came in.

Seated on the sofa, a beer bottle in his hand, he nervously twisted the ring around his finger, thinking about everything that had pissed him off recently, today, whatever. Hell, He had even shown her songbird. But all she wanted to do was go sight seeing.

Fucking hell.

It wasn't even her first time in Paris, let alone France.

This only made his frustration grow.

"How the FUCK could she go with that test and NOT me?" He yelled angrily, staring at his bottle before chucking it at one of the walls, watching it crack and seeing the liquid spill out, pouring all over the wall and floor.

There went another portion of his money, knowing it would cost a ton to fix probably.

But his mind was still on Avery, her perfect little face, body, words, voice. It was like a sickness, and in a moment like this, he really didn't want to think of her.

So, Liam did the unthinkable again, pulled off his ring, setting it onto the coffee table and made the way to the telephone, reaching into his pocket for the all familiar number.

Was it wrong?

To cheat on your pregnant fiancé?

Absolutely. But it didn't stop Liam in the slightest as he rang up the one and only Nicole Appleton.

"I need you." It came out as a whisper at first, especially as she answered the phone.

"Stop it. You're engaged."

"She isn't here. And I need you, Nicole, you're a beautiful bird and, and. Well it's been a long time."

"It's been about a month and stop. You only want me because you're bored."

"That's not true." He whines "Honey, I'd leave her in a heartbeat for you."

That was a lie. A big one.

"You mean that? Because I've got something to tell-"

He cuts her off "I can't leave her though. I-I need her, we love one another. And we're having a kid. So I can't leave. I could never. Avery is my one."

"You're having a baby?" Her tone drops, sounding a bit devastated.

"Nicole I'm sorry. Why the fuck am I calling you with my shit? I'm just. Why am I mad?" He questions, starting to think that perhaps he had just been an asshole.

"We need to talk Liam."

"About what? Because I'm sorry for calling."

"No! It's not about that. It's just. Well,"

"Get on with it. I need to apologize to my fucking fiancé and call her." Liam spits out aggressively.

"You're not the only one having a kid. Well, Avery isn't." She blurts out, voice shaking.

"What do you mean?" He mutters.

"I'm pregnant. About a month along."

There's silence for a bit, Liam staring up at the ceiling, not wanting to acknowledge the mess that he had now created and made.

"I will give you money, and anything you need."

"What about seeing it?" She asks

"I can't do this right now. She's going to leave me." Liam starts to panic a bit, pacing around the room.

"Pay attention! I'm still here!" Nicole says hurriedly.

But right now, the only thing Liam is feeling is fear. The fear that the love of his life was going to leave him again, take their child with him and everything. He knew Avery would and was capable of doing it. But it was terrifying. She was who he wanted to grow old with. She was everything to him.

And now he was going to lose it all.

Because of his shitty behavior.

"Can I call you back?" is all he managed to croak out before hanging up, looking at the ring on the table guiltily.

He had been an asshole and now karma was coming to bite him in the butt.

And was now going to deal with it the best way he could, the old fashioned way, how all rockstars seemed to get down. Booze and drugs. Seemed nice.

Bedsides, maybe it would be worn off by the time Avery arrived.

Either way, he plummeted into his secret stash, reminiscing on the times he and Avery found solace and comfort in the little white lines, and the shitty drinks being given to them for free. Not only would it never happen again, but he'd most likely never see her again.

His hands rushed into his pockets, pulling out his wallet and flipping to the back, instantly spotting the three images he'd stuck into his wallet, running his hand over the picture over and over again, admiring the flash of the camera against her face.

Yes. There would be a lot of explaining to do.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now