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The rest of the week went by quickly, and soon enough, I was shoving clothes into my suitcase and preparing to fly up to Manchester to go see Liam. Just to piss him off, I was wearing one of Damon's blur shirts, paired with my red mini skirt and platform doc martens.

I liked being tall. It was empowering.

Anyways, lugging my suitcase out into the living room, I saw Damon waiting at the door. "I'll save you the money, give you a ride over to the airport." He says before looking at the shirt and saying "Liam is going to slaughter you for that, and if not him, then Noel."

"Fuck Noel, he's a stubby little jerk." I say quickly, as we walked out the door, both of us heading the direction of the stairs.

"Alex wants you to punch him for us." Damon says snickering.

"You never know. Maybe I will. If he's being a cunt then of course!" I say loudly, not paying attention to anyone around us.

A woman walking up the stairs glares at me as Damon says "You've just said a no no word! Do we need to head back up so I can wash your mouth out with soap?"

"You're just as bad as I am Albarn." I say, rolling my eyes, as we reach his car. Which is strangely, something I forgot about.

The ride to the airport was eerily silent, more filled with the radio and both of us jamming out to whatever came on. "I'm going to miss you, even though it's just for a week." Damon says softly. "God, can't imagine what it's going to be like when you go back."

I'd forgotten about that. I had a home back on the West Coast. A life in the states, scattered between Washington and California most of the time. Unless I was touring. Then it goes all over.

"Maybe I won't go back.." I trail off, not really thinking about what I'm saying. "I like it better here if I'm honest. Besides. No one is pulling me from state to state."

"Well you are commuting to a boyfriend who lives nearly four hours away."

"He's not my boyfriend." I murmur. "I don't know what we are. We haven't talked about it. But I am Birdie."

"Birdie? He calls you Birdie? Oh wait till the boys get ahold of this one. Liam Gallagher calls you Birdie." He starts laughing, so I slap his chest.

"Stop it! You're being mean. Don't tell me you've said something stupid, Mr. Girls who wants Boys who like Boys to be Girls."

"Thought you liked that song?"

"I do for some reason. Reminds me of shitty 80's pop music."

He frowns. "You're mean and we're at the airport. Go catch your flight. Don't be late."

Rushing out, I lean across the car, giving him a hug before grabbing my suitcase and rushing to get out and into the building across the street, ready to fly off.

Luckily enough, security didn't take long and I wasn't being recognized, especially with the bulky sunglasses I'd taken the liberty of wearing today. So once I'd been checked in, I made my way to where my boarding gate was, taking a seat near the front.

5 minutes. That was when boarding was supposed to start, so I decided to head over to the magazine stand in one of the stores and select a few picks.

Hesitantly, I grabbed Rolling Stone, NME and a couple other music based magazines, before heading to the check out counter and plopping them down.

The woman starts to ring everything up and then hands me the items and with that I walk off, heading to board the plane, carry on bag in my hand.

Sighing, I handed my passport and ticket to the  flight attendant at the gate. Her eyes widen a moment before looking up, a fake smile on her face. "Ma'am could you please lift your glasses up so we could verify your identity?"

I lifted my shades up "Good enough?" I say snarkily, just wanting to get onto the fucking plane at this point.

She seems set back and nods, so I take my items and head on aboard the plane, finding my seat in the business section. Apparently last minute first class flights to Manchester didn't exist. And I didn't have the section to myself either. I know, I sound bitchy. But at a certain point you get tired of not having your privacy "given" to you.

At least I was closest to the aisle. The person next to me hadn't showed up to me yet. Thankfully. I had a few seconds of quiet before the awkward "hi who am I sitting with today?" plane chat.

"Who actually likes Blur?" I heard a voice say, before hearing someone toss a bag above me, onto the luggage carrier.

"I do. Let me guess, you like Oasis?" I question, not bothering to look up from the article I was reading about Alanis Morissette and her new music that had come out.

"Oh yep." The person squeezes past and then sits down in the seat beside me. "The Gallagher's are brilliant. Hope I run into them."

This causes me to laugh a little and look up from my reading. "You think they'd be nice if you ran into them? Flocking for an autograph?" I had no idea why I was being a bit pissy, but this conversation was bound to annoy me. Despite it being a short flight, I was already over having this person as a seat mate.

"Why wouldn't they be? Look, I even bought the newest tabloids they're in." He pulls out a magazine and starts flipping through it, eventually landing on a page filled with paparazzi shots of Blur and Oasis, then a bunch of scattered shots of me.

"Wow. Look how stoned he is there." I motion towards a photo of Noel, looking lost and nearly lose it. Maybe this would be entertaining.

"Noel's such a great guy, so talented as well." The man says honestly, which confuses me.

"I've met him before and I think you're wrong. Was a jerk to that Avery Pince. Heard the whole thing."

The man pauses to think for a moment before continuing "God, Avery Pince is so hot. Seriously, I have WaitTime on my wall because of her."

I snicker a little, as he keeps talking "Got that copy of NME of her and Liam. Thought it was god tier, almost makes me forgive her for living with Damon Albarn."

Oh my god. I was dying inside. This was the funniest shit, and the plane had barely been in the air yet. He hadn't figured it out yet, maybe it was the shades. "So, why are you heading to Manchester?" I ask

"Work, and for Oasis. Although I do suppose that work should come first. What about you?" He asks

"Visiting my significant other. He wanted me to come for the week, so I decided to." I shrug my shoulders, looking back at my magazine.

"Kinda like Avery? Heard a flight attendant say she was on the plane, gave her a spoke at the gate. Sounds like her alright."

"How do you know she's visiting Liam? Could be off for work." I ask

"Because, what American just goes to Manchester?" He had a bit of a point. London was where Americans tended to stay and hang out the most.

"You've got me." I say taking my shades off, and flashing a grin. "You're funny. Managed to cheer me up a little. I've been grumpy all day."

The man's jaw dropped and then stuttered as he shakily pushed the magazine towards me. I signed it without hesitation before leaning back in my seat. "Don't annoy me or tell anyone else I'm here, maybe I'll tell something about Liam."

Putting my shades back on, I sighed and then listened to the quiet, as he was shut up.

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