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After what seemed like an eternity of mindless wandering, I stumbled upon an abandoned pack of cigs and without a second thought, picked it up and pulled a couple out.

Stashing the other two in my bra stealthily, I began looking around for someone to give me a light. That shouldn't be hard. It's a bar. I'd be worried if people weren't.

Making my way through the crowds of people, various clouds of smoke and what not, I find myself trapped, surrounded by tons of people, strangers to say the least.

None of which had a lighter.

Then, I felt a sharp tug on my wrist and I jumped, nearly bolting out of my skin, not expecting a sudden contact with anyone. So I turn around swiftly, hoping it to be Damon or maybe one of the boys from Blur.

Maybe not Graham, he'd been on edge with me since my arrival in London, or perhaps when I'd initially started my entanglement with Damon.

Gazing up, I saw the abandoned pack of cigarettes had found their owner.

And as I turned to his face, the sour expression, seemed to be almost mixed with pride. Yellow tinted Sunglasses sitting on top of his head. His brown hair a perfect mix of sweaty and mussed up.

Liam Gallagher.

I had taken Liam Gallagher's cigarettes.


I try pulling my wrist away, but the grip on it tightens instantly. Making it very clear, I wouldn't be leaving or avoiding this conversation.

"Avery Pince." He sneers, finally letting go of my wrist, as if he were disgusted to have even touched it in the first place. "The fuck are you doing at MY party, taking my smokes?"

He doesn't stop. "Shouldn't you be off fucking, who is it now, the art snob? You're his bird aren't you?"

I don't answer, this only seems to irritate him as he continues "Fucking switch up fast don't you?" He pauses, leaning in "Answer me"

"Not sure what you mean." I answer, crossing my arms, his cigarette still perched between my two fingers.

"Went from shooting up with Cobain to sniffing with Albarn pretty quick didn't you?" He notices the unlit cigarette in my hands and pulls out his lighter and bends over to light it.

I stopped, gaping a little. I'd spent time locking those thoughts away. Not now, not in front of the asshole who just accused you of sleeping with of your friends.

One of which was dead.

Part of me wanted to break down and start swinging at him, like one Courtney Love would. But no, I took the high road surprisingly.

"You don't know shit about me." I counter, lifting the cigarette to my lips and taking a long drag, eventually exhaling most of my nerves. "Didn't even bother meeting me at Glastonbury. Heard you were too busy with the Erlich girls."

"Saw you on TV, liked your ass long before it started sucking up to pretentious fucks." He says casually.

This was when I realized that perhaps not all men could be as suave as Damon. And that in Liam Gallagher's own particular way, he had been trying to let me know that he was a fan. Of me. Not my company.

"Did you like the performance at least?"

He thinks for a moment, pulling a cigarette out for himself and lighting it. We stood in silence for a moment, before he chuckled and spoke again.

"Wasn't half bad. Liked the song 'Crayon'." He admits. "The words threw me through a loop. Didn't expect that. But uh, my brother did. Says you're a great songwriter. I believe him."

Perhaps it was peace between us. We didn't have enough against one another to even dislike the other perhaps.

Crayon was a very melancholic piece. One I was proud of, especially the softer tone, how it had heavier lyrics, metaphorical ones, instead of the usually just straightforward "fuck men!" type shit.

"The video for Crayon was the best part." I say softly. "I spent 4 hours running around in fake rain..."

He hums a response before looking around the room, we both did, especially after hearing another sharp voice call out his name.

After a brief moment of searching, we seemed to have both settled our gaze upon Noel Gallagher, who's arms were crossed at the sight of us, backs turned to majority of the crowd, focusing on our own conversation.

Liam winces "Forgot about that piss pot. Let me go deal with him. Stay here, don't run off with Albarn. I'm enjoying the conversation."

I nod, changing my gaze from Liam to Noel every few seconds, unsure of what to expect from any of this. But at least now, I could think about what the hell was going on.


1. Sneaking into a bar with MTV
2. Stealing Cigarettes
3. Finding out they belong to Liam Gallagher
4. Liam Gallagher begins insulting me
5. Liam Gallagher compliments my ass and my music?
6. Noel Gallagher doesn't seem too happy
7. Liam says to wait.

After going through the list, I didn't feel much better. I mean, he had like switched sides in about two seconds. Didn't seem like there had been much hatred to begin with, just empty words.

Maybe Liam Gallagher just played things up for the sake of the press. I knew plenty of people who'd done that. But I wasn't sure, so I watched the conversation with Noel, as best as I could, unable to understand a word of it. So I headed off to the bar, taking the once again abandoned cigarettes AND now, lighter, with me.

Just as an incentive for him to find me.

I loved games and this seemed like it would be a fun one, so, off to the bar I went.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now