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"What do you say about us getting out of here? You and me?" Liam says, pulling out of the kiss.

Stumbling to find my words, I quickly say "Y-Yeah, I'd like that."

He nods "Good. The world can see me snogging you later. Come along now. Hotel's down the street."

"Later?" I ask curiously, laughing a little, intrigued by the words leaving his mouth. I'd figured he'd never want to speak to me again after this.

"You never know." He winks at me as we begin to walk out of the building, the noise growing quieter and quieter as we began walking away. The cool breeze hitting our backs gently.

Leaning against him, he drapes an arm around my shoulder. Neither of us noticing the influx of press that was waiting down the alley, hoping for a glimpse of Oasis tonight.

He begins to turn down the other direction in the alley. But I turn around "Come on! It'll be quicker and it'll give them something stupid to talk about!"

He chuckles. "I don't want your pretty eyes getting hurt though love, those cameras are pretty bright." Liam takes his other hand and faces me, bopping my nose with his pointer finger, a drunken grin across his face.

However, he reaches up on top of his head and pulls off his yellow tinted glasses, putting them over my eyes. "They're not the greatest. But. It'll do."

I laugh, pushing them up my nose and say "We're, We're really drunk."

"I know." He leans in, going to whisper in my ear. "But I can't wait to see you in my bed." The voice was so delicate, the Mancunian accent balancing his voice out perfectly.

My cheeks flush red, he seems to notice as he once again pulls me close to him and turns us towards the bit of press lurking down the street.

"God save the Queen!" I yell as we walk through the crowd of chaos. "No future!" I add. Making a few shitty references to the Sex Pistols.

I couldn't resist.

Then I hear a few shouts of my name, as we continue walking away. "Fuck off you blood sucking morons!" I hear Liam yell, watching him turn around to flip them off.

Once again, there seemed to be more silence, as we continued walking down the street.

"Should've known you liked the Sex Pistols." He comments "You've got taste. That's a band I wish I could've been in."

"You could've probably been a better bassist than Sid Vicious." I add, chuckling

"You're not wrong." Liam says, just as we stumble upon the hotel. Pushing open the doors and making our way over to the elevator. "You look good in my shades, you know?"

"I look good in everything."

"Keep em, they look better on you."

He pulls me into the elevator, and watches the door shut and hits the button for the 7th floor. Then, without hesitation, pushes me against the wall of the elevator and begins to make out with me.

Lifting me up against the wall, I wrap my legs around his waist and drape my arms around neck, our faces connected, foreheads nearly touching as our lips continued to intertwine with one another.

Teasing, a little, I bite down on his bottom lip and hear a small growl from him, before we continue, his tongue pushing its way into my mouth, battling with mine for control.

Eventually, I've admitted defeat, watching him pull away slowly and murmur "Good Girl..." softly before heading to my neck, planting kisses down it, steadily focusing on one spot before the elevator dinged and the door opened , signalling it was time for us to get out.

I drop down, following him out and down the hallway, eventually standing in front of a hotel room, watching him fumble with the room key before finally unlocking it.

Pushing the door open, it's everything I'd expect it to be, a few empty bottles strewn across the room, what I thought was leftover coke was sitting on a table, next to someone's business card.

"A mess, I know." He says laughing, before leading me towards the bedroom.


Once inside the bedroom, Liam picked me up and practically tossed me onto the bed, the both of us scrambling to get our clothes off.

Still waiting on him, I sat, criss cross apple sauce style, his shades still over my eyes. Only, he stops and grins, looking over me with an expression on his face, I'd seen so many times before.

"My god, Love. You're gorgeous." He murmurs, turning back to himself and tossing his clothes off quicker as he continued to talk "I like how you've kept my shades on though." He winks and then crawls up onto the bed.

Taking my hand in his and then lays me down gently on the bed. Cupping my cheek, he begins to kiss down my body. "You like that?" He asks harshly.

"Better than Dodo Bird?" He adds.

Even know I've never had any sort of romantic experience with Damon, at this point, I know not to say that. So I nod my head eagerly and watch as the grin on his face grows.

One of his hands, hovers over my chest before squeezing one of my breast, teasing a moan out of my lips.

This continues on for a bit, Liam consistently managing to find every weak part of my body, before he got up, going to find a condom and pulling it on.

Returning to the bed, he leans down, pressing a kiss to my forehead before entering me, pushing in gently before getting rough. My hands reaching for his back as he began thrusting faster and faster.

Enjoying the tenderness of my moans, we hit the climax, my nails leaving a few scratches down his back. A bead of sweat dripping off my forehead.

I watch as he pulls out, looking satisfied, as I don't even want to get up. My legs feeling like jell-o at this point.


"Fuck." I spit out, panting a little bit.

"Shhh. I know, we're great." He walks towards the other side of the bed and crawls in, moving closer to me, wrapping an arm around my waist tightly, his head buried in the crook of my neck.

The sunglasses, still on my head.

I should've left. I shouldn't have let it get here. I shouldn't have let us go down that alley. There were so many things I could've done differently, that I didn't.

But I felt more intoxicated around Liam Gallagher. High off of nothing but his personality.

I didn't know what to call it, or if he even felt the same.

But right now, two rockstars had just shagged.

And were now wrapped around the others finger.

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