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Just as quickly as I'd passed out, I'd woken up, practically jumping up. Upon further inspection I realized I wasn't in Courtney's "room"/space, or even my hotel room.

All I could recall were a few hazy memories, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, the obvious issues with Liam and that was it. How I had ended up here, I couldn't figure that out.

It was a hospital room.

There were a couple vases filled with flowers, an IV stuck into my arm and just blank walls along with a television. Upon further inspection, I could tell that someone had been sitting in a few of the chairs, but had left briefly.

As their belongings were still here.

I recognized Meg's clutch, Noel's jacket and unfortunately the sunglasses sitting in the last chair. Liam was here. Internally, I was beginning to work myself up again, almost breaking into tears at the sight of seeing him or anyone after last night.

So, I was going to leave.

First, I detached the IV from my arm, practically yanking it out, causing me to wince. Then, I headed over to the mirror, examining myself in it.

I had bags under my eyes and my face looked empty, soulless even. Just dull and fragile as most people did after coming down from a shit ton of coke and whatnot.

Grabbing Noel's jacket and buttoning it up, I'm able to cover up the hospital gown I've got on and Liam's shades manage to hide my somewhat recognizable face. Then, my boots. They were beside the bed.

However, I felt like jello, holding onto the bed for support while I put them on. Great. Now I just needed to get out of here without being spotted by anyone.

Exiting the room when the hallway was clear, I dashed down and furiously pressed the elevator button, sending a smile to any of the nurses or hospital staff walking past or nearby. Trying to not look like someone who just woke up in a hospital bed.

It seems luck is on my side as no one else is even in the elevator, so I make it to the ground level with ease, making my way out and into the lobby which was swarming with hospital employees and people.

I could hear chattering both in English and French, only understanding about half of what I'm hearing. So I decide to take a risk, heading over to the front desk and entering the line, deciding to ask about myself.

It was nerve wrecking and by the time I reached the front, I sent a smile to the woman, leaning against the counter, fingers running over the surface.

"Hi there, could I have an update about Avery Pince? Immediate family." I try to sound as desperate for information.

She nods her head, beginning to type and look through her papers before saying "She was brought in by her partner I believe, around 7AM yesterday. Drug induced. Immediate family were notified and I believe they're outside."

"Thanks." I grimace, beginning to walk off, taking in what was being said.

Immediate family? Who the fuck would that be? There's no way that my fucking family was told about this. I haven't talked to them in years, except for maybe one of my nieces. Other than that, I do not mess around with my family.

Heading out one of the large revolving doors, I find myself in the parking lot, it's filled with cars and other hospital buildings in the distance.

However, I'm more drawn to the crowd of people speaking in hushed voices down by the edge of the building, huddled in front of a few potted plants and a light green bench. Planting myself behind a corner of the building, I begin to listen in.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now