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Kim practically jumps up when she hears me ask if I'm dying, running over to join me at the night stand where telephone was plugged into the wall. She mouthes "What's going on?" almost effortlessly.

To which I respond by shrugging my shoulders and saying "I don't know."

Meanwhile, my doctor is chuckling at my question as he continues on "Avery, I'd be a pretty bad doctor if you were dying and I'd just said you were in great health. What I'm trying to say is, congratulations."

Kim hears this and furrows her eyebrows, whispering "Congratulations for what? You really need a new doctor."

"I'm sorry, could you please elaborate?" I ask, wanting this man to just make what he was saying painfully clear.

"Sorry. Well, when we were looking into your blood work and everything, we found that you were pregnant. So congratulations. Unless you're not happy? Because if so I can direct you towards the proper services."

I close my eyes for a moment, before turning to look at the ceiling, knowing that I probably had a very somber look on my face at the moment.

I wasn't happy, but I wasn't devastated. It was more like I was confused with how to think about all of this.

Still holding the phone up to my ear, I shakily say "I'll call back and let you know." Before hanging up and looking at Kim, a stone cold expression on my face, she however, just looks confused.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost. What's the matter?" She asks worriedly.

I don't say anything at first, climbing onto the bed and staring straight up at the ceiling, thinking about everything for a few seconds.


Liam couldn't possibly be mad, he loved me and he loved Lennon. So I was to even have a kid, it wouldn't be the end of the world. Besides, the idea had grown on me quite a bit, especially after spending more time with Molly and Lennon.

Hell. Almost everyone I knew had a kid at this point. But that didn't mean I was ready for that type of shit.

"Avery. What is it?" Kim asks, climbing onto the bed, staring down at me nervously. "Are you actually dying?"

"No." I say slowly. "I'm pregnant though."

She grins a bit and says "You can talk to me if you're scared. I mean, Thurston and I didn't have Coco till way into the game. Are you keeping it or?"

I sit up, shrugging. "I'm sure Liam wouldn't be devastated. He'd be happy to have another Gallagher around. I know that for a fact."

"But you're not sure you are?" Kim questions

"I want to keep having a career you know? I don't want to have a kid and then suddenly be looked over or forgotten because I had a kid, or be left in the past or something. You know?"

Kim starts laughing. "You're forgetting, I have a kid and people still adore Sonic Youth, hell, Courtney has had a kid and some people still love her. No one could ever possibly forget you and your big brain."

"Yeah. You're right." It was comforting to hear someone say that.

Especially Kim, having one of my long time friends agreeing with me and showing me how I was just being cautious, made me feel a lot better.

Twisting my engagement ring out of habit, I bite on my lip before reaching for the phone again, going to call either Noel or the manager. But Kim snatched the phone away.

"No! Don't tell him over the phone! Tell him in person." She says. "Besides now you have an excuse to go see him. You're not recording shit right now."

"What?" I say, pouting, not liking anything Kim was saying now.

"I'm not having you in a recording studio for weeks, making music for hours, while you're carrying a baby. I'd go to hell, even if I believed in it."

"So what am I doing?" I ask, motioning to the phone.

"Call the manager, say it was just allergies to a food you ate, then ask when you can come visit for a few days. They'll arrange the whole thing. I used to watch Courtney do it."

"Got it. What should I be allergic to?"

"Nuts. It's simple enough and I've never seen you eat them anyway."

I nod my head and pick up the phone, dialing back the manager.

"Hey, the results came in. So, turns out, I'm just really allergic to nuts and never knew that. Funny right?"

"How did you not know you were allergic to nuts?" He asks, partially laughing before adding "Ill pass the message along. Glad to hear you're okay though. Anything else you need?"

"Er, yeah actually. When's the closest time I could be brought out?"

This seems to make the manager get happier, probably knowing that it would be easier to corral Liam around now, seeing that his fiancé was able to visit him.

"I can get you flown out here by tomorrow and for as little as a week if you'd like."

Kim whistles, not expecting him have been that eager.

"Could you wait till say, this weekend to bring me out? It's only two days away."

"Of course. That works brilliantly. I'll have the information sent over to you shortly."

"Thank you."

And with that I hung up.

"That's how it's done." Kim says laughing before adding "Well hell, today has been so long, yet it's only what, 12:00?"

Glancing at the watch on my wrist, I see that she's right. So much shit had gone down in less than two hours. Weird. My plans had simultaneously changed within a couple of mere minutes.

"Why'd you want to wait till the weekend?" She asks

I shrug "Just felt better. I didn't want to rush out there and talk about my fake nut allergy. Besides, I don't feel like being jet lagged yet."

"I feel you there." Kim says, laughing, collapsing back down into the bed and turning the volume back up on the tv, which pulls me back into the programming as well. Taking my mind off everything.

(This is a shit chapter. I know.)

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now