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My bad driving did not get us pulled over, in fact we didn't get pulled over once. After finding a decent parking spot, I helped Lisa rush inside, carrying her bags and shit, eager to help my newly donned friend out, especially since Liam was not present.

To be fair, he wouldn't have known anyways. As he was nowhere near Lisa or I when this had happened.

Either way, I slammed my hands down onto the front desk counter and look down at the woman sitting behind it. "This is Lisa, she's about to have a baby! We need help." I exclaims.

The woman sighs, handing me a clipboard with paperwork and then says, "Come along. We'll get a room set up for you two, or three." The woman winks, pointing us towards the doors that lead to the back area of the hospital.

Wait a minute.

Oh my god.

She thought we were a couple. That was the funniest thing I've ever heard. Unfortunately, I was only part lesbian, and I was pretty sure Lisa was straight.

Was I going to tell the woman? Absolutely not. I wanted to wait for her to figure it out because it was way more funny this way.

Eventually, we've gotten settled down into the hospital room, Lisa's mainly just relaxing as well, it isn't time for the baby to come along yet? I didn't understand any of it, as I had more or less never paid attention in American Health Class.

Which wasn't that good to begin with.

I'd finished filling out the forms and handed them to the nurse, who after looking it over, frowns and looks at me confused. "Wait a minute? You two aren't together?"

I shake my head no and Lisa starts laughing.

"No, unfortunately, we just fuck the same guy." She answers for me, and a mortified look grows on my face, while the Nurse just seems to stiffen up, not finding any of it funny.

"You can go wait in the waiting room now. Seeing as you aren't immediate family." The nurse says, trying to be polite.

Lisa scowls "No, she gets to stay, because she and the father of my kid are practically engaged anyways."


That was very far from the truth.

The nurse decides to not pick a fight with the hormonal mother to be and instead, just sends me to the other side of the room to use the telephone and call people who needed to be informed of what was going on.

So first, I called Damon, knowing they'd probably just gotten into my hotel room on their own, seeing as he had the spare set of keys to it.

"Where the hell are you? It's nearly seven and we want to share drinks! Look, Graham is even ready." Damon whines.

"About that, um...I can't."

"Why? What's wrong?" He asks, sounding concerned

"I'm in the hospital."

"Oh jeez, is it because you fell over earlier?" He asks

"Have you seen that too?" I snap, getting angry.

"No. I have no idea what you're talking about." He lies, sensing that it's probably not the best thing to bring up to me.

"If you need to know, Lisa is having her baby. And I'm here, in the hospital with her."

"Oh really! That's fun, tell her Damon says hello. And don't worry, we'll handle your booze with care!"

I hang up on him, seeing as that was no help whatsoever, so I continue going down the list of people to call.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now