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Eventually, a taxi pulled up and I stepped inside, I grinned, hopping in and watching as they began to drive off, heading towards the venue. It was a mostly quiet ride, except for the faint buzzing of the radio, or the sound of the cars and world around off.

Nearing the venue, the driver seems to notice where he is and looks to see who's playing tonight. "Oasis huh? Must be an interesting show, heard about them a few times."

Smiling politely I nod and then say "I've heard a few things too." As I go to exit and pay for the ride, he shakes it off, informing me that the person who'd made the call had already paid for it all, before driving off.

People already seemed to be lining up, trying to get inside first, or buy last minute tickets. Either way, this wasn't where I was going, heading towards the side of the building, I rapped on the door a couple times before a security guard opened it.

"Here for Liam Gallagher." I say in a plain tone, trying to play up an attitude with them.

"Name please." He says stoutly, not believing the words leaving my mouth just yet.

"Avery Pince. Said he'd be expecting me."  I murmur softly, trying to gaze inside the building, but the guard moved, completely blocking the entrance.

"That's what they all say and you know damn well it's true." the security guard says, once again, making it known that he was not meant to be played around with.

I groan, deciding on playing the card I hadn't wanted to pull out, using my name or being to my advantage. Normally, I wouldn't dare to, but I needed  to get inside, I had told Liam I was coming and he had paid for my ride over anyways.

"Don't you know who I am?" I ask in a snarky voice.

"I don't care who you are." They say loudly.

The bickering continues for a couple minutes more, as neither of us could believe what the other was saying.

"What's going on here?" I heard, as Noel's head popped out of the door, seeing that there was a growing bit of commotion.

"This one is trying to get in, claims Liam paid for her ride."

Noel scowls, looking me over and murmurs something to himself, "You fucking moron. He even told me this was happening. How'd you manage to forget that?"

The security guard looks a bit confused, partially embarrassed and moves aside, letting me walk into the venue and Noel watches curiously as I look around. "Sorry about that." He says, adding on with "Here, uh, I'll take you to Liam. He's around here somewhere."

We walked around aimlessly, opening doors and checking the backstage area, until, the frustrated voice of Liam echoed through the venue.

"Fix the bloody mic, would you? Turn me up and other blokes down. Got it?" He yells back towards the sound crew.

As he looks over, he spots Noel and I approaching him, walking out onto the stage.

"Look at you, wasn't sure you'd show up.." He trails off "How much of that did you hear? Idiots can't figure out how to balance everything out."

"It's fine, only heard you snap at them."

Noel rolls his eyes "I'm out, someone call me when they need me." He yells to anyone in the stage area, before walking back to the backstage area.

It had only been a day, yet I was back hanging out with Liam, this time hours before the show and not at an afterparty.

He lightly grabs my upper arm, and guides me closer to him, before his hands glide down my upper body and down my hips, resting there, he leans in and whispers "You look pretty today. Although, you'd look better in nothing at all."

My cheeks flush red at the very thought of it all and murmur "Stop it..There are people still out here, besides, you only met me yesterday."

"But I'm the king of brash decisions, aren't I? and I know what I want. The thought of you spending the day with Albarn was crushing me."

My mind flashes back to the thought of Damon wanting to do a crossword puzzle with me, clearly we had different ideas of what a day with Damon meant. I chuckle a little.

Looking around the stage, I briefly pull away and ask "And what is it you want Liam?"

"Isn't it obvious? You love."

"Again, you barely know me." I say, still unconvinced with it all.

"And I could learn so much more if you'd let me take you out..or consider this a date." He grins.

I gape at him "Is this how you think I work? We have sex and now I want to date you? What on earth gave you that idea?"

"Most women like that-" he starts to say

"Every woman is different from the last. Again, we don't know each other. I can't just jump in." I say.

"Isn't that the point of dating? To get to know one another?" He points out.

"Fine. Say I did consider this a date. Why should I go on another one with you?"

"Because you're enjoying this one?" He answers unsurely.

I groan, rubbing my eyes a little before saying "How about I'll let you know at the end of the night? What I think of all this. Part of me thought we were just being friendly."

He scoffs "Since when is Liam Gallagher friendly?"

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now