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Liam's manager had in fact come through, booking me a first class ticket to France as soon as he could, as well as transportation and sending along a security guard to make sure all went well. That was new. I'd never had that done for me before. 

I guess it was a good time to start though, considering I now had a baby on board. I hated saying that, or the idea that someone besides myself would be taking care of me, or treating me like some fragile thing.

That I didn't like. So I was glad no one knew besides Kim at the moment. It meant I got to carry my own bags, walk further away from security and all that jazz.

When Courtney was having Frances, I just remember a whirlwind of drugs, and a desperation to stop using them.

And yeah.

That wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Either way, my flight would be coming in hours before Liam had to do anything show wise, in fact I think he had a day off today. Which was good because, well, it meant that he'd have all day to process or think about what I was going to be delivering.

That was a pun.

A pretty good one too.

By the plane had landed, one of the flight attendants came and told me that there were paps and a bit of fans around the airport, as word spread that Liam was coming to get me himself. Which was sweet. I'd assumed the security with me would just drive me.

As the plane landed, I gathered my stuff, brushing off my jeans and putting my shades on, before touching base on where Liam and his own security were.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot an unopened bag of peanuts.

The security catches my eye and says "Uh, I didn't know if the smell made you allergic or not."

I laugh a bit, having forgotten about my fake nut allergy as we exited the plane, heading over to get luggage and then head to where Liam and his little crew were.

It was the back of the airport, out on the parking lot, the security guard pulling my suitcase as we walked over to the black car waiting for us, where a group of people were out in front of it.

The first I recognized was Liam, even with his shades on, I knew it was him.

The messy hair, the stupid fucking smirk on his face, and of course the way he was leaning against the car.

And of course, I started running towards him. It hadn't even been that long, but I missed him. A lot. We had been separated for way longer, but now? I really did feel the need to run towards him, like you'd see in one of those over the top, cheesy rom coms.

And surprisingly enough,

He started running too.

The distance between us started to vanish and eventually, I felt his arms wrap around me tightly, and I did the same, watching as his head came down to kiss me gently.

"I've missed you." I spit out finally, looking at him happily, not even trying to hide how I was feeling.

"Me too Birdie. Fuck. I love you." He mutters, pulling me towards him again, his hand resting around my waist as he turns around, facing the car that was waiting and his security. "Let's get a move on shall we? Got a lot to see today and do ." He winks at me, ushering me into the car.

As I moved in, the smell of booze, weed and cigarette smoke hit me immediately, so I rolled the window down.

Which confused the hell out of Liam, as he was already going to light up a cigarette. "The smell bothering you?" He asks, offering me his cigarette. "Assumed you liked pot." Liam shrugs them looks at me even weirder as I decline his cigarette.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now