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Ever since Liam had found out, probably less than an hour ago, he'd turned into the most chipper person I'd ever seen. I wasn't joking. Gone was the grumpy man I normally knew, and in his place was a ball of sunshine.

We hadn't left the sofa, but I could feel his excitement as I lay on him gently, feeling the occasionally kisses on my cheek from him.

"You're cheerful." I note happily, enjoying the former grumpuss being in a better mood.

"Cause of you Birdie, and the baby."

"Are you sure you're not pretending to be happy?" I ask, a little suspicious of how he was acting.

"Of course not. I'm so fucking happy. Trust me.." Liam then kisses my ear before nibbling on it for a second. "Can we tell Noel? And my mum? Then Paul?" He asks excitedly.

"I don't think I've ever even met your mother, and who's Paul?"

"She likes you. And Paul is my other brother."

"There's more of you?"

"Got a problem with that?" He teases

"Of course not." This time I'm the one to kiss first, turning around and kissing his lips, lingering there for a moment, just trying to savor the moment.

Only Liam starts to get up, carrying me with him as he started making his way over to the telephone and then plopping us down onto w chair as he begins to call around. Starting with who I assume to be, Noel.

He picked up the phone, dialing a number and then waits for someone to answer and eventually they do.

"Noel stop being a baby, just for one fucking minute alright?"

If that was how the conversation started I wasn't sure how much I'd like the outcome of it.

"Shut it, I've got some news, well Avery and I do."

"No! We did not decide to get married in a casino. Jesus fucking Christ. You're unbearable."

Oh my god. Not wanting to hear much more of this, I nudge Liam harshly in the ribs, which causes him to groan in pain.

"Avery and I are having a kid!" He finally spits out.

"Stop saying poor Avery, you're ruining the moment." Liam whines before slamming the phone down on the receiver.

Why on earth would Noel say that?

I ignored it, watching as Liam picked up the phone again, deciding on calling his other brother next. The brother I didn't even know existed till about 5 minutes ago.

"Paul! Listen up, got something to tell you. What do you mean Noel already fucking called? I just got off the phone with him."

"Well thank you for the kind words. One of my brothers actually seems to have manners." And with that he hung up, leaving me to look at him curiously.

"What was that about?" I ask

"Noel called Paul first." He groans, picking up the phone again and going to ring his mother. The final person.

"Mum? You there? Remember the girl I told you about, awhile ago? Avery. The nice one? Well we've been together for a long time now, gettin' married sooner or later. You already know that."

"Quit rambling.." I mutter.

"We're having a kid. Yeah I'm happy. I'm thrilled." He chuckles, talking to his mother for a little longer before ending the call, right as we heard a knock on the door.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now