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It had been a really fun day, despite throwing up in a random bathroom at a museum and all. I'd had a good time playing tourist with Noel, Meg and Anais. We didn't make to the top of the Eiffel Tower, but we had honestly already gotten close enough.

Either way, I was tired and ready to go see Liam, maybe he'd be apologetic for how he was acting earlier. Noel had wanted to get me another hotel room and just leave him alone but I insisted on going back.

So as I unlocked the room, stepping into the darkened mess of a room, my eyes meet with his in a second.

There Liam lay, sprawled out across the sofa, twisting the ring on his finger. I could already tell he was strung out. Not sure how badly. But he was. It made me want to start crying. Had I been the reason he'd chosen to get high and all that shit?

Then, he spoke, well, it sounded more like a croak if I was being honest.

"You don't deserve Birdie.." he trails off, looking away. "Neither of you do."

I frown, moving onto the sofa and pressing a kiss his cheek, laying down beside him. "Why do you say that?" I ask

He chokes on what sounds like a sob and sniffles for a minute, clearly upset with something he or someone else had done. "Please don't leave me." Liam murmurs under his breath.

"Why would I do that? You know I love you." I say softly, leaning against him gently, just wanting to love on him a little, unsure where this behavior was coming from.

He sits silently, comfortable withholding his thoughts from me. "Liam, what is going on? Why do you think I'll leave you?" I ask again.

"You're not going to love me if I tell you.." he says, burying his head into my shoulder, turning to the side.

This scared me, what he said, it sent a shiver down my spine.

"What did you do?" I ask cautiously, voice shaking more or less.

"You don't want to know"

"Now I need to. So what did you do?"


"Now Liam. What the hell did you do?" My voice is more firm now, I'm holding back any anger I have built up at the moment.

He doesn't say anything, still fiddling with his ring a bit.

"Stop playing with the fucking ring and tell ME." I yell angrily, sitting up again, looking at the man in front of me, almost unrecognizable at the moment.

His eyes don't meet mine, but it comes out as a whisper "I cheated. Almost twice." Liam whimpers, not daring to look me into the eyes.

It wasn't the answer I expected.

Tears started to rise from inside of me, as I didn't expect any of that to come out of him. He had cheated? He cheated on me? For how long? When? Was she just like me? Who was it? My mind was running through fifty different possibilities and questions.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now