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My eyes flickered open, confused with my whereabouts. The walls were too crisp and blue to be Damon's or anything in his apartment, and what the hell, what was on my head? Lifting an arm up, I pull off a pair of sunglasses.

Yellow Tinted Sunglasses.

Then it all started to come back to me. Damon, the party, Liam Gallagher's Cigarettes, Liam Gallagher in general. Liam Gallagher and I.

What the fuck had I gotten myself into?

Probably just involved myself in a war, I had no intention of ever getting in to begin with.

Then I realized I wasn't alone in the bed, and that I had an arm wrapped around me.  He was still in the bed with me. Why hadn't I gone back to Damon's?

I knew the answer.

But I didn't want to say it out loud.

I was attracted to Liam Gallagher. Really fucking badly.

These thoughts were interrupted by the raspy voice belonging to no other than Liam himself. "Morning Avery. Sleep well?" He asks playfully,  reaching for a bit of my hair and playing with it.

I nodded my head and then began to get up. "Look, I- need to go. I'm sorry but I can't, can't stay right now. It's not a good idea for me or you." I began to get up.

"Finally a smart one! She's right you know." A new voice says.

I nearly scream, pulling the bed comforter up to hide my body from the man who had just entered the bedroom. Upon further inspection, I'd realized it was Noel Gallagher.

"You fuckin' creep. How'd you get in?" Liam asks, annoyed.

"Told the front desk lady I thought you were dead. And gave her an autograph for her daughter." He shrugs.

"Get out! Can't you see I've got company?" Liam scowls

"Pretty sure the whole world knows." Noel snickers, before crossing his arms again putting on a colder demeanour, as he picked a paper off the wardrobe the television rested on.

Tossing it to Liam, he catches it with ease, and I look over, already knowing I'd hate whatever the cover of it was.

Sure enough, splattered across the front page was a photo of Liam and I, those stupid yellow sunglasses on my eyes, his arm around my neck. We looked drunk, but obviously enjoying one another's company. The title read "Gallagher and Pince's Night out."

Almost cute.  Had it not been for what was on the next page.

It was Alex and Noel practically engaged in a brawl inside the bar. Oh no.

"While you were busy sleeping with the enemy, I had to deal with three asshats sneaking into places they shouldn't be."  Noel said, sounding pissed.

"You're acting like Alex is a threat when he's coked up," I say, chiming in, causing Liam to to snort a bit.

Noel turns to me and narrows his gaze before saying "You're not wrong. His mates had to carry him out of there. But- he did start the whole thing."

Not caring that I was the "guest" or unwanted visitor, I held up a hand and told him to be quiet. "Sh. I'll have to hear all about it later. No more for now."

"All you Americans are the same, entitled, little fucks. If I want to talk about beating some shit up, I will." Noel sneers.

"Jesus, wha- what time is it? Give it a rest Noel. I'm sure it can wait." Liam said, now sitting up.

"You lot are useless." Noel grumbles. "Fuckin useless." And with that he storms out, slamming the door behind him.

"I'm too tired to deal with him." Liam admits, sinking back into the bed.

"I don't blame you. But listen, I really do need to go." I say, beginning to get up again. Eager to run to Damon's and call whoever I thought would listen.

He frowns, unsure of how to proceed, not really wanting me to leave. It was obvious. "Can I call you?" He asks gently, almost embarrassed that he had said it.

I assumed the words had always come from a female, not from him.

"What?" I ask, gaping

"I want to call you. You aren't deaf from all your little Grunge pals are you?"

I snicker. "You got a piece of paper I can write my number on?" I ask

He nods, jolting up and looking around the room for a piece of paper and a pen. Once he finds it, I scrawl my name and number onto it before handing it to him.

"Make sure Noel doesn't trash it." I tease

"Believe me. I will guard it with my life." Liam jokes.

I start to get dressed again and once I finish, I turn back to look at him, seeing that he's got the sunglasses and another piece of paper in his hands, holding it out to me.

"I meant what I said. Keep em. They look better on you. And er- there's my number. In case I lose yours."

Grinning, I take the two items and mouth a thank you.

I knew this wouldn't be the end of my interactions with Liam. Neither of us would be able to do that. I could almost sense it. There was like an invisible string, pulling us towards the other.

And no, it wasn't just about sex.

It was in the way he talked, acted, walked, anything he did. I merely found it enchanting. And I felt that the feeling was mutual. Besides, how often does Liam Gallagher give his shades to someone?

Or admit he doesn't think their music is all that bad?

Part of me felt like I'd uncovered a different side to the man in front of me. Maybe he'd found out, I'm nothing like I am on a stage, or in public.

Maybe we were both people with facades, hiding who we really were, still avoiding our pasts, demons, ghosts, skeletons in the closet. Whatever you might call it.

As I start to head out, my eyes flash back to the cover of the paper Noel had tossed towards us.

"Gallagher and Pince's Night out."

Oh what a night it had been.

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