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Nearly 10 hours of messing around, writing and recording shit in the studio. Graham and I worked pretty well together, and the end results had been satisfying. Honestly, the songs needed minor tweaking, probably should've been produced/edited by someone with a bit more skill there.

But other than that, we were fucking proud of it. There were about three completed tracks, spontaneously made and created, with 4 other incomplete tracks.

Making my way out of the recording booth, and placing the guitar back onto the rack, I wipe my forehead, getting rid of the sweat that was there before approaching Graham and tapping him on the shoulder.

He pulls off the headphones and pauses the mixing process and says "This is fucking great. Really. I haven't been this thrilled with the shit I've made in awhile."

We'd taken turns recording and mixing the tracks, Graham did the lead guitar parts and backing vocals, while I did the other stuff.

Unfortunately, till we could try a drummer out, we'd been trying to use to software Graham had in his studio. Although, it sounded real, it just wasn't as authentic as we could've liked it to be.

"So, what do you want to do with them?" He asks, standing up and leaning against his chairs, a grin on his face.

"Not sure. We could develop our own project though.." I say, knowing how upset he seemed to be with Damon's 'Gorillaz' thing.

"Yeah. That'd be great. What are we calling it?"

I shrug my shoulders "I'll let you figure it out buddy boy. I've got to run anyways. It's getting late. Promised I'd get to the party early tonight."

Graham rolls his eyes "If only you didn't have a social life." Then he walks over to his mini fridge and pulls out two water bottles, tossing me one of them. "Refresh yourself. Keep those vocals in tact Pince."

I snicker, swigging some of the water before saying "You don't have to worry."

"How are you even getting back there?" He asks "Didn't see you make a call."

Shit. I'd forgotten about that. I sighed, "Could you give me a ride? I can get you a free drink at Noel's home. It'll probably piss him off."

"Deal. Besides. It'll settle my score with them, they keep pissing on my wardrobe."

"Never change Graham, never change." I tease, starting to make my way up the stairs in his basement, satisfied with how today had gone. Especially since there was an idea of a new project with Graham in mind. I hadn't really done anything like that since WaitTime, and well, Graham and I worked better than Karlie and I ever did.

Now, I was tossing myself out of the endless world of music for my petty real life situations. I had to go and see Matt now.

The thought of it alone made me feel guilty, as I'd spent the night with another man and he had then proceeded to propose to me and then we'd promised to wait for one another to be ready.

Graham seems to notice my hesitance and comes up from behind, resting a hand on my shoulder in a friendly manner, and says "Penny for your thoughts?"

"I don't know what to do about Matt. Do I tell him? Do I end it with him? What am I supposed to do? I really fucked up."

He thinks for a second before saying "I mean, if you like him, and you want to continue with him, you need to be honest about everything including your Liam issues. Even if you don't want to be with him, you can't pretend it's all fine and stick around."

That was true.

"He deserves to find proper love, just like you do. And to be honest, Avery, it sounds like you used him as a placeholder for Liam, and now that he's ready to move on with you, you're realizing it too."

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now