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Eventually, we'd pulled up to a very nice, picture perfect, type looking neighborhood, where you would want children to live and grow up, in the hey! It's safe! kind of way. Once again, grabbing my share of the bags, I step out, hearing Liam grumble something about how part of his money was going towards this.

"Would you rather your child grow up elsewhere? In an unsafe area?" I ask exasperatedly, watching him knock on the door of the home lightly.

"No I wouldn't. It's just fucking, oh you know what? I'm not getting into it with you right now." He groans, getting irritated and ringing the doorbell two times, I pull his arm away from the door and stomp on his foot.

"Stop it! That's rude." I murmur, growing quiet as I hear the door start to unlock. Oh boy. Here we go. This would either be terribly awkward or great.

Finally, it opened, revealing a very pretty, yet tired woman, who looked to be about done with her pregnancy. I assumed this to be Lisa Moorish, the mother to the child in question. "Still not done yet, is it?" Liam asks, looking towards her stomach.

I step on his foot again and say "What is the matter with you? Stop being a bi-" I stop myself and change courses to say "Jerk! A big jerk."

Lisa looks amused with the whole scene, laughing at the interaction between Liam and I, reaching forward to shake her hand, I introduce myself. "Hello there, you must be Lisa, I'm-"

This time she cuts me off "Avery Pince, I know, Liam used to cry over your records." She winks before moving over to the side, letting us come inside the house.

"He did now?" I ask, laughing a bit.

She nods "Stole my copy of Birdie too. I got it cause of Damon, only for this twat to steal it." Lisa glares at him.

Liam shuts the door and makes his way over to the living room, bags still in his arms, like me and says "What the hell was I supposed to do? I couldn't go out and buy it!"

"You also aren't supposed to cheat on your wife." Lisa says snickering, before turning towards me. "No offense to you, seeing as we've both done it." She sits down on the sofa, stretching out a bit before looking at the bags in our hands.

"What are those?" She questions

"Er, I made us stop and get a few gifts, thought this could be a mini baby shower?" I say, shrugging, setting mine down on the floor. Liam does the same as well, not wanting to be left out.

"Of course it was you who thought of it, he doesn't have enough brains for that." Lisa says, pulling one of the smaller bags over and pulling it's contents out, finding a few bath toys, shaped like boats, whales and various other de creatures, digging deeper she finds a few bits of the baby clothes we had purchased.

She pouts a bit, happy with what she was seeing, looking between Liam and I, a grin on her face. "You know, I was unsure of what to think of you." She starts, looking at me.

"But then, all of a sudden, for the first time in months, Liam has answered my calls and agreed to see me. Because of you, and now he's bringing gifts? Avery, you've whipped this man around your finger."

I laugh, much to Liam's dislike.

"I'm being serious. You're morphing that man into a better person."

I shrug my shoulders and then say "I told him that I wouldn't date or see someone who ever chose to leave their own blood behind like that. It's wrong, and terrible."

Lisa grins, "You're a good one. Christ, Noel really had me convinced you were a demon for a hot minute."

Liam scowls "Don't even bring that cock sucker up, I don't want to hear about whatever he's done."

"Fine." She says, ignoring him and beginning to look through the other bags, spotting the elephants, she squeals, pulling one of the larger ones out, stroking it gently. "Oh my god! It's so soft. You really didn't have to do any of this. Really.."

Once again, I shrug. "It felt like a nice thing to do. Besides, I've been aching to spend some of my money for awhile. Seemed like a good occasion."

Lisa turns to Liam again "Never lose this one. I swear, we'll all be doomed if you do."

"Put a sock in it Lisa. I've still got Patsy to deal with." Liam mutters, looking around as if he's already bored.

Really? Was it ever a good time to bring up the woman you were married to and cheating on? Especially towards the woman you had knocked up, and the other you were seeing?

Lisa rolls her eyes "Don't bring up Patsy in my house, especially when you're off and out cheating again."

She had a point, so I nod my head, agreeing with her.

"It's different. You were a fling, Avery's someone I love." He says, not looking in the direction of either of us.

"I was just a fling? Alright then." She says, beginning to stand up, "Then get out. Liam, you don't get to come say hateful things, especially while your child is in the room."

"It can't hear us! Fuck, sorry SHE! It's in there!" He exclaims, acting like everyone else was in the wrong.

Lisa rolls her eyes, giving up on the argument already. "This is why I'm glad I don't have to deal with him everyday. I wish you luck."

I snort a little and say "I have a feeling it'll be a long time before I can tolerate that much Liam Gallagher."

The conversations went on for a bit, mostly consisting of Lisa and I chatting, exchanging numbers and making a plan to talk in the future, while Liam sat there, staring blankly at the television.

Almost showing how little he did care for this baby or the woman carrying it, and it made me feel sad. It really did.

How he could barely push any attention towards the child was beyond me at this point, I'd tried everything. And his behavior disgusted me as we left.

Lisa's number was tucked into my pocket as I stepped into the car, the breeze nipping at my lips. "That was exhausting." Liam groans, leaning back into the seat.

"I like her. She's nice." I say, shrugging my shoulders.


"Can I ask you a question?" I ask. I don't bother waiting for an answer, so I launch into it. "Why are you so hesitant to care about this child?"

He doesn't answer.

"It's obvious to everyone Liam, even my deal doesn't seem to make you want to try." I comment.

"Not this again. Look, I'm doing what you asked me to do? Don't get mad that I'm not head over heels for a baby. Okay?" Liam says as he closes his eyes.

The drive had been going on for a few minutes now, and it was awkward. As I'd stopped talking about the subject, it had been a good day and I didn't want to fight.

Leaning against Liam, I thought to myself about all the ways I was going to fucking force this man to interact with his daughter. How he was going to make an effort. Everything like that.

Otherwise, he would lose me too.

It was as simple as that.

And, exactly what we had discussed.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now