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"We should not." I mumble, but it was too late, Alex is walking and I'm attached to his hip at this point, so I'm stuck with him as he makes one of the worst decisions of my life. Not his life. MINE.

"Liam Gallagher? Is that you?" He calls out, raising his hand, pretending to be excited. "Why I didn't expect to see you here, expected you to blacklisted from here." He laughs.

Liam doesn't look amused, his gaze settling on me, and I don't see an ounce of sadness, only anger across his face as he finally says "Me too. My manager thought it would be a good idea to check out the competition. Should've guessed the cocks from Blur would be here."

Patsy rolls her eyes and fusses with her coat "Play nice." She says, nudging him gently, then looking directly towards Alex and I, an uncertain smile forms on her face "Are you two together then?"

"Fuck no." Liam answers, not letting either of us getting a word in.

"Let them talk Liam." She says aggressively, not even looking towards him.

I step up, answering this time, changing to subject, just to let it boil in their heads a little bit longer. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Avery, you must be Patsy. You're very pretty." I add, being honest and offering my hand towards her.

She shakes it gently and then grins "Thank you and you're... great."

If only she knew.

The tension was growing, as Liam scowls "Avery, give me a light would you? Left my lighter at home." He grimaces.

I nod, shakily stepping forward, not at all wanting to be in the presence of him and pull my lighter out and lean in, lighting the cigarette that hung from his lips and quickly stepped back.

It had been about a two second exchange yet the tension had marked everyone's faces.

As I stuffed the lighter into my pocket once more, I shook off the feeling that someone was watching. No one cared. There were hundreds of people here, all caring about their own lives. Who would spend time focusing on us?

Patsy pulls Liam back hesitantly, just as his eyes narrow down on me. "You know Avery, Patsy and I met the day WaitTime broke up. Officially at least." He knew that it had ended months before.

"Really? That's adorable." I pretend to coo. "Liam, remember when you bought Blur records to make me feel better?"

Patsy's eyes seem to widen, realizing who the records had been for, along with the WaitTime records. But, she'd already known that.

"No way! You bought my records mate? Damon's gonna flip when I tell him." He laughs.

Liam glares at me for a few seconds, not knowing how to proceed with his thoughts, or how to jab at me anymore. Only, we weren't angry with each other. We were angry about the company the other was keeping. There was aggression there. He didn't like that I was with Alex, I didn't like he was with Patsy.

We would've both preferred to be be in a hotel room, cuddled up with MTV playing in the background.

I would've at least.

"Avery! Let's go get drinks." Patsy says awkwardly, grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me off in the direction of the bar. No one had expected that.

"Thanks. That was terrible." I laugh, playing to her thoughts, not ever wanting to reveal I'd fucked her husband recently.

"Duh. Men. They're animals." She says, plopping up at the bar counter, signaling for the bar tender.

I fake a laugh, feeling more uncomfortable now, seeing as she was trying to figure out me as a person, what I thought of Liam and all of that. It felt more like an interrogation than a drink with a new friend.

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now