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After breakfast, I returned to my hotel room, delighted to find it clean and in way better condition than when I had first left it about an hour ago, and judging by the poor reactions my outfit had gotten when I was eating breakfast, I made the decision to change clothes.

This time, just throwing on a trench coat and a random babydoll dress. Everything else was the same. With that, I set out, deciding to walk to Lisa's home, not realizing how poor of a decision this would be.

Because of well, British reporters.

A few minutes into my walk, I'd noticed a few stragglers with cameras, and as I continued it got worse, until the sidewalks were fucking packed and the light of the cameras were driving me insane.

"Fuck off!" Is all I yell, ignoring their questions and trying to run off into the empty bits of the sidewalk, trying to blend in with the other people.

However, this doesn't work.

And the yelling gets louder. This is what I was tired of. The lack of respect from these people.

"Avery! Is it true you and Liam are back?"

"Is it an affair?"

"Have you met Patsy?"

"Who was the baby stuff for?"

"I bet it's an orgy!"

These were the type of things being yelled at me. And it was making me sick, eventually, through the crowd of people, I get shoved down and onto the ground, kinda like in a mosh pit.

Landing on the ground, one of heels on my shoe now broken, knee scraped and bleeding and my head reeling, I started to feel sick and for the second time in a day, I threw up, all over the sidewalk.

And everyone saw it, captured it on film, everything that was my worst nightmare.

They all wanted their photos, but no one actually wanted to help. That was the worst part for me. Struggling to get off, I pull my other shoe off and start walking on the London streets in my tights.

Not my best moment.

Finally, making it to Lisa's neighborhood, I start running, making sure to try and lose the stalkers, as I now called them. Which I managed to do, so I knocked on her door, knowing for a fact I looked like a mess.

A few moments later, she opens the door snd looks at me and lets me in. "God, what happened to you?"

"Stalkers." I say, groaning, making my way inside and taking my coat off, hanging it up onto the coat rack next to the door. "This is a nightmare. I'm never walking anywhere again."

Lisa smiles "There's some tea in the kitchen, please help yourself. You seem like you've had a rough morning. Probably worse than mine."

I nod, walking into the kitchen and pour myself a cup, before getting her one as well, before making my way to the living room as I hand her the cup I'd selected for her.

"So, do you want to talk about it?" She asks

I shake my head no before saying "I couldn't do that. I'm not going to dump my issues onto you."

"That's fine. We can just sit and relax, watch something on tv, chat a bit." She says, picking up the remote and turning on the tv, which lands on a news channel, featuring a photo of me perched over on the road throwing up.

Lisa quickly changes it and looks over at me worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"My nerves. I throw up easily when I'm anxious. That's it." I say shrugging, taking a sip of my tea.

We finally settle on a Julia Robert's movie, specifically the one with Hugh Grant. I couldn't remember the name, but the one where she's a famous actress and he owns a bookshop.

And they go through a bunch of shit yet still end up with one another. We watched the whole damn thing, twice. Each of us ending up in tears at the end.

I guess we were both suckers for happy endings, or I was and she was just hormonal.

It didn't matter.

Looking over at me she says "That's basically you and Liam, except Hugh Grant was a decent person."

I laugh, nodding my head. "I don't disagree with you. Just wish it wasn't true sometimes."

Not pressing further into the issue, she looks at the guide to see what's coming on next. "Pretty Woman. Watch or skip?"

More Julia Robert's? Fuck it. Why not.

"Roll with it." I say, unintentionally making a reference to the band's single.

I cringe, as does Lisa.

"They haunt your brain darling, it's not even funny." She muses.

"Best of both worlds." I tease, sticking my tongue out and referring to how she'd had a fling with both Damon and Liam.

"You haven't slept with Damon? Darling, you lived with him!"

"Yes! In the guest bedroom! He's like a brother to me if I'm being honest."

"That's disgusting. I could never. Speaking of which, what time are you supposed to be going back to the hotel?"

"Maybe 6:00? That's when they usually pop by"

Lisa looks at her watch and says "You might want to get a move on, it's 5:45. Pretty Woman will have to wait till another time I guess." She pouts.

I laugh, getting up to go get my coat, watching as she also gets up, going to walk me out the door. As I pull my coat off, wrapping it around tightly, I hear what sounds like the spilling of water?

"Did you drop your tea? I'll clean it up, you shouldn't be bending over I think?" I say, not having turned around yet.

There's no answer for a moment, which causes me to worry, so I turn around, seeing we've reached the same conclusion.

"I believe my water just broke." She mutters.

"Well, drinks with Damon will have to wait. Come on, we're going to the hospital." I say, grabbing the car keys off the wall.

"What? No! You don't have to do that. Go enjoy Damon and Graham!" She says "Just call me a cab."

I gape at her, picking up what appears to be her to go bag that is sitting at the door. "My god, what kind of monster do you think I am? Let's GO! Out the door now."

"You really don't have to-"

"No excuses." I murmur, shooing her out the door, while I trail behind, locking the house door and then unlocking the car and helping her in.

"Do you think I'd get pulled over for speeding?"

"Do you even know how to drive here?" She asks.

I don't say anything, sliding into the drivers seat and swiftly pulling out of the driveway, finally saying "We'll find out."

Live Through This/ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now