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Handing my guitar to one of the stage crew members, I watched as I heard the words of sympathy, congratulations and condolences all at once. However the one person who I did want to hear, wasn't there. Instead I managed to see him leaving, on his way out the door, heading back into the main part of the venue. And for what?

I had to chase after him, so I weaselled my way through the crowds of people, pushing through, trying to spot that stupid brown haired boy. Who only seemed to move faster once I started to call out his name.

"Liam! Stop it, where are you going?" I yell

No answer.

"That's it? You're just going to leave? No words of congratulations or anything?" I say, voice cracking a little. I stop running, seeing as he had as well.

"Don't you have enough of that from Eddie?" He sneers before adding "Or any of your little pals?"

I narrow my eyes "What are you talking about? Liam. Are you being serious?"

"Of course I am Birdie. You, left me all alone across the world to go play rockstar with him. I'm fuckin tired of girls like you."

"Eddie and I are just friends Liam! I did that whole performance for me, to move on. Why else did you think I sang All Apologies?" I hiss

"I don't know, but you think I haven't been watching? Watching the way they all crowd around you, waiting to get you alone and then get you to spread your legs, not like it's hard anyways."

I stop even trying to speak, dead in my tracks, my mind blown by the whole ordeal.

"I mean Jesus, the red carpet, do you even watch yourself? You're a fuckin tease Avery. And it's so pathetic to watch. Especially since you're with me."

Did he really see it all like this? That any male friend of mine was the enemy? That I was just trying to sleep with anyone besides him? Was that how low I was thought of? I had a million thoughts ringing through my head, all at once.

"Okay Liam. Sure. Whatever you want. That's what I am." I say, breathing calmly, deciding to take a new approach, agreeing with what I knew was wrong.

"Good. I'm glad we could agree on one thing. Now can we please go take our seats? I want those cameras to catch us together." He winks at me, as if he didn't even see anything wrong with what he had just said.

As if his jealousy was justified.

I couldn't take it. That's when I wanted to explode. He had taken something beautiful, made to remember someone I had lost and ruined it, to make it about him, him and his stupid superiority complex.

But it could wait. It absolutely could wait.

I sighed. "Sure. Besides, I hear the Smashing Pumpkins are gonna open up the show soon. I don't want to miss it."

He chuckles, pressing a kiss to my cheek and pulls me closer. Both of us secretly glad that absolutely no one had heard that exchange as we made our way back towards our seats.

But boy, was I wrong.

As the minute Liam and I left that hallway, Courtney Love plunged out of the formerly closed dressing room with a scowl on her face, ready to take revenge on the Gallagher who had just practically insulted her friend over and over again.

The VMAS had been surprisingly quiet this year, not a lot of drama had been a stirred up and I was glad for it. Still, I was keeping my anger at Liam buried down for after the show.

Right now, I was enjoying the pleasantries of music and fashion all at once, I was actually listening to the speeches being made and the awards being given out.

So far, WaitTime had lost two to the Smashing Pumpkins. Something that had made sense to me, as Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, was one of the greatest albums of all time. And when I'd met Billy Corgan earlier in the night, I'd made sure to tell him how much I had adored his band since the beginning.

It was true, however, I mainly wanted to say something positive as the band had just lost their Keyboardist due to an OD and, had to sack their drummer, Jimmy Chamberlain as well. Billy seemed to appreciate the effort and we exchanged numbers, promising to set a date up to meet and talk further.

I stopped myself in my thoughts and looked at Liam. Was this what made me a flirt in his eyes? The fact that I gave my number out to people I wanted to be friends with? Because I was pretty? It made no sense.

Almost like when WaitTime happened to win "Best Alt Rock Video."

At the exact same moment.

Even though I was pretty sure that the Smashing Pumpkins had just won that award. Maybe I wasn't paying as much attention as I thought I was.

Shakily, standing up, I made my way towards the stage, nearly tripping over my boots as I placed myself right in front of the microphone, letting Karlie clutch the award, as I wasn't speaking to her, still.

The only person I could bear to even make eye contact with was Liam. Who seemed to still be angry, but intently listening to everything I was saying at the same time. My eyes watered. On national television. Again. Oh god.

I laugh timidly before continuing "This is about my 7th one of these things, I never get tired of spotting them in my trophy case, maybe this one should go in the bathroom?" I joke, and to my surprise I hear the crowd light up with laughter.

"WaitTime's always been a place of growth and strength and empowerment, and while the songs here scream it, I'm not sure how much of it I've actually felt recently. I feel deceitful in a sense.

Still. I'd like to thank my manager, the folks at Geffen, lovely people I might add. The band-" I scan the crowd and my eyes land on Damon and Blur, I chuckle.

"The boys of Blur. Specifically Damon Albarn for giving me a room and um, Liam Gallagher." My voice softens.

"Thank you for being a good one." With that, I wave towards the crowd and walk off, instead of going to my seat, I end up going backstage, not wanting to go talk to Liam at that. Unsure why, but I felt humiliated. For no reason.

I just won an award, and for some reason, I felt like the worst person on earth. Luckily for me, Steve had been backstage, and he spotted me on the verge of my melt down, bringing me to an empty dressing room.

Tears were streaming down my face at this point, I was seated on the sofa while Steve sat beside me quietly. "That was a lovely speech and a beautiful performance. He'd be proud." Steve notes

This doesn't help and I break into more tears. "Do you think I'm a whore?" I ask

Steve looks confused "God no. Avery, you're the sweetest woman I know, you need to stop reading those tabloids."

"It's not the tabloids! It's everyone." I stomp my foot and lean my head back. "First it was just fans and angry people! Then it was Noel and the press a-and now it's Liam too. I try to do something good for me and everyone! But they only focus on the wrong things!"

He pushes a strand of my hair back, pulling me in for a hug and says "And they're all wrong. They're just jealous Avery. You've got something they don't, that's all. Those stupid people, and those idiotic brothers. Don't let them get inside your head."

I nod my head and then watch as he says "Look. Stay backstage okay? I'll go find Damon or Courtney, send them to you. Okay?" He asks.

I nod my head, getting up and heading towards the backstage area, as I get nearer, I start to feel like I can recognize what's playing.

That's when it hit me.

The sharp voice, the accents, that distinct sound.

It was Oasis.

It was Liam, in the zone.

Performing Champagne Supernova.

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