Light and Dark

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Riko's POV

I was standing anxiously, hoping that no one would get hurt. Also my nervousness is seemed to be visible as I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

"They're going to be fine! You should sit down." Chika-chan offered as she led me to the side to watch.

"Then Ruby-chan, please be the mediator for them." She sat beside me as Ruby-chan nodded and stood up.

"Then, Yoshiko-chan, You-chan, are you ready?" Ruby asked as the two fighters nodded.

"Please do your rubestie, let the fight begins!" She announced and almost immediately, Yocchan side-step then disappeared.

"Eh?" was the reaction of You-chan as she blinked multiple times. "Yoshiko-chan! Your not running away are you?!" She yelled.

"Nope I'm not." Yocchan answered back as You-chan immediately turned her head around, searching for the owner of the voice.

"You-chan, Stand on guard! That's a very high technique magic that conceled the pressence of it's user!" I yelled back.

You-chan nodded, but before she could prepare, Yocchan appeared before her.

"Shadow fist" she hit You-chan directly causing her to be pushed back.

"Ack!" She reacted trying to stay standing. "Water locker!" She yelled as she trapped Yocchan in a ball of water.

Yocchan struggled to get out as my mind rose in panicked. "Y-You-chan! She's going to drown!" I yelled nervously.

Yocchan suddenly stopped then smirked. She raised her hands and a dark energy flowed out from her palms.

"What the?!" You-chan exclaimed. Instanly, the ball of water turned to a dark energy until it vanished.

"Hehehe, you gotta try harder You!"

"I'm not done yet Yoshiko-chan!"

"Water Seiryuu!" You-chan yelled. Water energy enveloped her body in a form of a dragon.

She started to move and the dragon attack Yocchan head on. "Eh? What is You-chan thinking!" Chika-chan beside me finally bursted out.

"Yoshiko-chan is going to used her attack against her again!" She said curling her hands into a fist.

"No, I think she's up to something!" I assured her as I watch them carefully.
When the dragon was about to chomp down Yoshiko-chan, she dodged quickly.

You-chan manuvered the dragon expertly as she turned around and chased Yocchan.

"Dark torrent!" Yocchan yelled as she bombarded You-chan with her attack.

"Water ball!" You-chan countered her attack. " Just as I thought." You-chan suddenly declared.

"You thought what?" Yocchan asked, nervousness was visible in her voice.

"You can't use your dark commitment when the user is directly controlling the magic." She answered as Yocchan flinched at the statement.

"Hahahaha, it looks like I was discovered. Truly well done little demon no. 5!" She exclaimed pointing at You-chan.

"I think you shouldn't be praising your opponent Yocchan!" I yelled at her as the others deadpanned at her statement.

"Ah! That's right! Then shall I get serious?" She asked as a sudden change in the atmosphere occurred.

"Wha? What is this feeling zura?!" Hanamaru-chan stated as she shivered in fright.

Suddenly, pure dark wings sprouted from Yocchan's back. She fly through the air as we looked up to her.

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