Destiny & Decisions

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Hanamaru' POV

Some people would say that destiny works in your life mysteriously. But for me, I think that all of this things are work of series of coincidences. This kind of coincidences connects us all in finding one another.

My name is Kunikida Hanamaru, a very conservative person. Since I was little, I only indulge myself in books. But back in kindergarten, I met someone who lend their hand at me and made me as their friend.

Yes that's right, I was talking about Yoshiko-chan and her twin sister Yuki-chan. At school, I was always bullied by my verbal tic and by my timid behavior. But Yoshiko-chan and Yuki-chan smiled at me and accept me.

The two of them protected me and they stay by my side. And then the time comes when we have to be apart. I lost my contact with my precious friends, and once again I am alone.

All through my elementary days, I was force to be by myself. But that again change when I met Ruby-chan in middle school. We both like books so we became friends really fast.

And when I went to highschool, destiny reunited me with one of my dearest friend. I was really happy when I met Yoshiko-chan again. And I was really surprised when she told me she joined the Hero club.

After hearing her statement, I noticed Ruby-chan's face lit up. Come to think of it, Ruby-chan is a hero fanatic. That is why, we decided to watch their training after school.

"Okay, you guys can join us if you want." Yoshiko-chan stated as she smiled at us warmly. It's been so long since I saw that smile on Yoshiko-chan's face.

"Then we will be having a mock battle and I will be the mediator for now!" Chika-senpai declared as Yoshiko-Chan and You-senpai stared at her surprise.

The two of them sigh as the two of then position their selves. "So what are the rules?" You-senpai asked as she gave Chika-senpai a questioning look.

"Eh? I-I think whoever makes the other person incapable of fighting back is the winner." She stated hastily which means she did not think this through.

The two fighters straighten their selves as they give off a powerful aura. "Battle starts!" Chika-senpai declared.

The two of them look at each other for a while before launching at each other with a powerful attack.

" Water Jet!"

"Shadow Fist"

They both declared as the two attacks collide.

"M-Maru-chan!" Ruby exclaimed as I look at her. "Yoshiko-chan's magic affinity is dark magic?!" She continued as she look at me excitedly.

"Hmm..Yes, she came from that Tsushima family after all." I answer.

"That's pretty impressive, I thought she was cool but I didn't think she's this amazing." Chika-senpai butted in to our conversation.

"Though You-chan is pretty strong herself." She added and gave us a smug look.

"What are you so proud of zura?" I asked making her grin even more.

I decided to ignore her as I focused at the battle again. The two of them is really fired up as I can see them exchange attacks faster than I could see, although you can tell that they are having fun.

"I think it's time we get serious Yoshiko-chan!" You-senpai yelled as Yoshiko-chan grinned then yelled back "Bring it on!"

The magic energy around them suddenly increased sending shivers down to our spine.

"Wow! You-chan is really serious now." Chika-senpai commented.

After a while, You-senpai attacked first. Sorrounding her self in a ball of water as she attacked Yoshiko-chan at full force.

"Water Rage!"

Yoshiko-chan dodge the attacked. Gathering dark magic into her pointer as she shoot dark energy.

"Phantom bullets"

As fast as she could, You-senpai invaded the barrage of bullets.

"Surging Tsunami"

You-senpai sent a tidal wave towards Yoshiko-chan. With no way to escape for Yoshiko-chan, I close my eyes, not daring to see the outcome.

I waited for Chika-senpai to declared the winner, but all I heard was a gasped. I started to open my eyes out of curiosity.

I also fell in awe as I saw pure black wings sprouted from the back of Yoshiko-chan.

Yoshiko-chan was flying and surely You-senpai was also caught surprised to see that.

"Dark Torrent!"

Yoshiko-chan suddenly exclaimed as a spherical shaped dark energy rained down from above.

Snapping out from her reverie, You-senpai generated a shield just in time to protect herself.

But the torrent was strong enough to break the shield. Luckily, at that time the attacks had already died down.

With the dust covering the spot where You-senpai is standing, we had no clue on what happened to her.

Yoshiko-chan ceased her attacks as she land on the sand waiting for the dust to subside.

Just then, when You-senpai is visible again, we saw an incredible amount of magic power sorrounding her.

In form of a dragon, the water attacked Yoshiko-chan head on in an incredible speed.

"The seven Dragons!"

You-senpai cried out as the dragon split into seven form before launching at Yoshiko-chan.

"Yoshiko-chan!" I cried out in horror and in panicked.

But what we did not expect is that Yoshiko-chan remained standing holding her hands out stopping the attack. We gasped in surprise once again.

"Dark Commitment"

She stated as the dark energy flowed out from her palms turning the water dragon into a dark energy.

"Counter Revelation!" She exclaimed as the dark dragons turned around to attack You-senpai.

However, You-senpai freeze in shock as her trump card was used against her. Bracing for the impact, You-senpai closed her eyes.

"Vanquished." Yoshiko-chan yelled.

Suddenly, the dragon disappeared and a dark energy binded You-senpai. In response, You-senpai opened her eyes and a smile formed on her face.

"Shadow Binder." Yoshiko-chan stated as she grinned triumphantly.

"Yoshiko-chan is the winner!" Chika-senpai suddenly yelled. And I let out as sighed of relief.

Yoshiko-chan let You-senpai loose from her binder and ran towards her shaking hands.

"It was my lost. You are  full of surprises Yoshiko-chan!" You-senpai admitted, only to make Yoshiko-chan more bashful.

"Y-Your pretty amazing too, You!" She replied trying to hide her blush.

"Hehehehe, I think the both of you are pretty awesome!" Chika-senpai commented as the three of them laugh.

A smile formed in my lips as I witnessed their exchange. I'm really glad that Yoshiko-chan is enjoying herself now but I wish I can feel that way too.

'I wished I could be a support to my friends' This thoughts run through my mind until I heard Ruby-chan's enthusiastic voice.

"Wow! I wish I can be like that too." She stated with admiration. I observed her face as a realization hit me.

"Do you want to try it out?" I asked as Ruby-chan stared at me confusedly.

"Uhh..I mean.." taking a deep breath I continued. ".... let's join their club together!" I suddenly proposed.

"Eh?" She continued to stare at me until, "eeeeeeeeehhh?!!"

To be continued...

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