Raising Difficulty

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No one's POV

A tall man stand at the top of a cliff, looking down at the strong waves washing the broken pieces of rock by the shore. He heard some footsteps from behind causing him to smiled widely. Turning around, he looked at the newly arrived people... Or you can say demons.

"We greet you a fine evening, Master Yoru." The demons greeted in unison, bowing lowly in front of the man.

"Hmm... I'm glad your back. And I, expect good news from you." The man smiled widely at them. But that smiled made the demons nervous as they stumbled at their words.

"Ummm...master, you see.....the-the target managed to survived and killed a number of our allies."

The man suddenly went silent. The demons grew more nervous every passing minutes.

"M-Master Yoru?"

"She's...still alive?" The man quietly asked as the leader of the demon slowly nodded.

"Haha...HAHAHAHAHA!" The demons all cowered in fear at the sudden outburst.

"As expected of my niece and the daughter of my talented sister! We will take this little game unto the next level! And when they are dead, the Tsushima's power will be OURS!"

The man declared as he fired out a huge ball of dark energy in the sky. All the demons cheered at the proclamation.

And not so far away, a girl suddenly sat up and head towards her balcony. Looking up to the sky, a certain bluenette felt a sudden rise of dark power. She looked around from her balcony before deciding to fly off.

"Where do you think your going at this hour, Yocchan?"

She stopped at the voice. Yoshiko turned around to see her girlfriend looking at her sternly.

"Hahaha... Good evening Lily. I was just heading out for a night walk."

"Going on a night walk at midnight?"

Yoshiko gulped visibly at Riko's stern glare at her. Accepting defeat, she decided to tell her the truth.

"I-I felt some dark magic around the area so I want to see what it was.."

Yoshiko muttered nervously. Seeing her like that soften Riko's facial expression.

"I know. I felt it too." Yoshiko perked up at her statement. She was about to say something when Riko cut her off.

"But I think that pressence is no longer here. It quickly vanished as soon as I sensed it." Yoshiko looked down at that news. Deep down she had a bad feeling about it.

Seeing her girlfriend's tensed form, Riko wanted to comfort her. "You should relax Yocchan. I know your problems with your family, especially your uncle, is not done yet. But I think you could use a break. How about a sleep over with me?"

Riko flashed her a sweet smile. Honestly, Yoshiko was feeling tired herself. So without thinking, she accepted Riko's hand and soon she was sleeping peacefully in the arms of her lover.


Riko walk up by the blinding light of the sun from her window. She sleepily rubbed her eyes before opening it. Just then, she heard a soft breathing sound near her. Turning to the sound, she smiled at the sight of an (fallen) angel sleeping peacefully by her side.

"Good morning, Yocchan~" she whispered softly. The fallen angel stirred as her eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning, Lily~" She greeted her lover with a smile. The two of them stared at each other in awe. They didn't realize their faces are only a centimeters apart. Suddenly, a knock was heard at Riko's door.

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