The Fallen Angel

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No one's POV

On the air, Yoshiko came face to face with her uncle once again.

"Hehehe, took you long before coming up here my lovely niece. Why won't you invite everyone down there?"

Yoshiko scowled, "This is between us. Don't dragged my friends into this mess!"

Yoshiko charged at him with a "Dark Claws" in hand. Yoru easily dodge and countered with "Dark Lightning". Yoshiko barely dodge the attack before raising her hand on the air.

"Fallen Arrows!"

Yoru smirked as the attack came towards him. Raising his hand, he absorbed the attack easily.

"Is that all you g-"

Yoshiko suddenly appeared behind him, kicking him hard on the back. He stumbled forward before he received another kick. This time he was hit in the head that caused him to fall drastically on the ground.

Yoshiko looked down on him, smirking. "Is that all you got?"

Yoru wiped the blood on his mouth before looking up.

"It seems like you are being too cocky. How about I'll get serious from now on?" Yoru smiled maliciously.

Yoru flew with incredible speed toward Yoshiko before punching her hard on the stomach. Yoshiko's breath hitch, but she dismissed the pain. She hold Yoru's arm tightly before kicking him back on the stomach. Yoru caught Yoshiko's leg using his other arm. Smiling, he infused his arm with dark lightning, zapping Yoshiko on the process. Yoshiko's gripped loosen and Yoru took that chance to create some distance between them.

"Dark Coffin"

Dark ice suddenly flowed from Yoru's extended hands. Yoshiko suddenly felt cold as her body began to freeze. She forcibly raised her shaking arm before clenching it into a fist.

"Hellish Flame"

Dark flames covered Yoshiko's body, melting the ice on the process. Yoshiko tried to raised her hand again when suddenly, she felt a sharp pain all over her body. The dark lightning earlier caused parts of her body to be paralyzed. Seeing the painful look on Yoshiko's face, Yoru charged towards her and grabbed her neck

"You look hurt my niece. How about I'll help you lessen the pain?" Yoru smiled wickedly.

Yoshiko grabbed his hand to loosen the hold but her attempt was all in vain. Some of her limbs are still paralyzed.

Suddenly, her body began to glow. She felt her strength coming back and her body felt lighter. Yoshiko looked down to see Riko. Her lover was also glowing. With her hands clasped tightly on her chest, Riko looked at her with believing eyes.

"What am I doing? I'm so pathetic."

Smiling, Yoshiko once again gripped Yoru's hand. She yanked his arm forcefully as Yoru looked at her in shock. Yoshiko flapped her wings before diving down with great momentum.

"Giga Impact!"

Yoshiko landed a clean hit on Yoru's head. Yoru once again found himself falling before he gritted his teeth in anger. He blasted an energy ball to soften his land before flying back up. Because of pure anger, he attack blindly. Yoshiko ducked to dodge, infusing her hand with wind and lightning before hitting him hard on the chin.

Yoru's body flew, his mind began to black out from the pure pain he felt from the impact. Forcing his self to became conscious, Yoru enhanced his senses. Yoshiko lounged towards him to attack when suddenly she felt a demonic power leaking from Yoru's body.

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