Calming the Sea

152 10 14

You's POV

"I- I lost...."

That's the first word that came to my mind when I woke up. Enduring the pain all over my body, I looked at the others to see them chattering.

"Hey You-chan, glad that your finally awake."

Riko-chan was the first one who seemed to notice me. And immediately, the others also greeted me.

"Oh You! I thought you were dead!"

Yoshiko-chan exclaimed followed by a chop on the head by Hanamaru-chan.

"Where's Chika-chan?"

I ask as they all shrugged. Suddenly, I heard a very familiar voice calling to me.

"You-chan! Your finally awake."

She came running into me and I flinched in pain.

"Ow! T- That hurts Chika-chan! How are you fine?"

"Ah! I'm sorry. I have fast physical regeneration thanks to my superhuman ability so I quickly get over from the pain."

She grinned widely and I let out a smile seeing that radiant face.

"Oh well, sorry to interrupt you but the sun had already set a while ago so I'm heading home now."

Yoshiko-chan took her bag as the others agreed to end the day.

"Wait Yocchan!"

Riko-chan exclaimed flapping her wings as she rushed towards the flying Yoshiko-chan.

"We should also get home You-chan! I'll carry you so get on my back.

I hesitantly crawl Chika-chan's back as she helped me to get on my feet.

"You can rest a little bit You-chan"

I hummed as I tighten my hold in her neck. I smelled a faint scent of the sea, and that was enough to calm me down.

After a while, I didn't notice that I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning feeling the pain all over again. But today, I pushed myself in getting up the bed.

Changing my clothes, I put on my shoes and exited the house. I have decided to train harder starting today so that I could improve.

I started to run towards the beach when I heard some sounds. Out of curiosity, I walk towards where the sound came from

"Heyaaa! Terror Punch"

My eyes widen as I saw Chika-chan exchanging attacks with Yoshiko-chan.

"Giga Impact"

Chika-chan lunged again towards Yoshiko-chan. The later quickly dodge it placing a kick in her chin.

"Ow, ow, ow. Your really not holding back are you?

Chika-chan was holding her chin while Yoshiko-chan grinned.

"Come on Chika. I'm still not using magic power on you."

'S- She's not using magic?! Yoshiko-chan is a monster'

I thought to myself while shuddering at the look of that piercing yellow eyes of hers.

'But the fluffy ears and tail made her a cuter monster.'

"Hey You!"

My thoughts was interrupted by that not so deep voice that only belongs to that one person.

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