Shiny Battle

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No one's POV

Arriving at a large arena owned by the Ohara, Aqours are currently preparing themselves for the battle. The first match are the Pure team, lead by Kanan, against the Smile team, lead by Mari.

"Uwaaah... I'm getting nervous right now." Cried Ruby as she looked at her shaking hands.

Kanan walked up to her patting her head. "It's going to be alright, Ruby-chan. You go out there and show then what you have learned."

You followed up with a salute and a big smile. "That's right, Ruby-chan. Let's do our best!"

Looking at her teammates, Ruby finally smiled as she gave them a more determined look before yelling, "Ganbaruby!"

"Woah! It looks like they are really fired up, zura." Hanamaru commented as she looked at her opponents.

"Seeing them like that makes me feel excited to!" Chika's eyes sparkled while pumping her fist in the air.

"Wow~ Everyone looks ready! How about we start the shiny match?" Mari turned to their raven-haired mediator who only sighed before nodding.

While Dia was chosen to be the mediator for this match, her other teammates are just an observer for now. Because they know whoever win this match, will be their opponent.

Walking up to the two team, Dia stared at them before speaking, "Now that all fighters are ready, the match will now BEGIN!"

As soon as Dia finished her sentence, the smile team attack first with a shiny "Thor's Hammer" by Mari. The pure team quickly dodge it followed by a "Water Geyser" from You combined with a "Fire Canon" from Ruby. You's attack was directed to Hanamaru who quickly countered it with a "Wind Tornado". Meanwhile, Ruby's attack was heading for Chika. Increasing her body shield on her fist, Chika punched back every fireball to Ruby. Ruby was surprised by the turn of events. Kanan quickly shielded Ruby while You ran up to Chika. Enveloping her body with water energy, she lounged at Chika with a powerful "Water Jet". Chika was hit directly as she staggered back.

"O-Ouch. That really hurts, You-chan." Chika gripped her side as she winced in pain. You was hesitating before she attack again. This time, she increased her power and speed.

"I'm sorry, Chika-chan." You muttered as the two of them collided again. However, Chika persisted as she hugged You tightly.

"No, I should be the one saying sorry You-chan." Chika said softly before yelling, "Mari-chan! Do it now!"

You was shocked. Literally, as she was directly hit by Mari's "Lightning Shock". Due to water being a conductor of electricity, You fainted as her body slumped down on Chika's arms.

"You-san is now unable to fight!" Dia announced before carrying You out of the battlefield.

Kanan and Ruby was shocked to what just happened. Seeing this, Hanamaru took that as an opportunity to attack with a powerful "Wind Storm". Snapping out from their dazes, Ruby countered it with a "Fire Vortex" while Kanan easily dodge it. Ruby and Hanamaru remained exchanging their attacks while Kanan ran up to Mari. Spotting her target, Kanan bind Mari with an "Ice Binder" followed by a dozen "Ice Swords".

"This is pay back for You!" She yelled before releasing the attack.

Mari was clearly unfazed as she quickly broke the binder by her static lightning before countering the ice swords with "Lightning Volts". However, Kanan already prepared another attack to gain advantage in the fight.

"Let's see, how long you can endure the cold. Snow Halation." Kanan softly muttered as the temperature on the arena suddenly dropped.

Sensing the danger, Hanamaru quickly stopped her exchange with Ruby and quickly flew carrying Chika with her. The battlefield was quickly covered in snow followed by some dangerously sharp "Ice spikes". Ruby was completely unharmed while Mari barely dodge these ice spike as she gained some slash on her arm.

Kanan looked up on her opponent before releasing another set of "Ice Swords". Hanamaru tried to dodge the attack while carrying Chika. On the other hand, Mari dodge the attack at ease. However, Mari noticed Chika's quiet behavior. She quickly flew to them, checking their condition.

"Are you guys alright?" Her question was answered by a nod from Hanamaru while Chika took a few seconds before speaking up.

"Mari-chan, leave Kanan-chan to us." Mari was obviously surprised by the sudden statement. Nevertheless, she agreed to her.

"Thank you, Mari-chan. Let's go Hanamaru-chan!" At Chika's words, Hanamaru moved forward while dodging Kanan's attacks. Some swords were punched by Chika as they came face to face with Kanan.

"Maru-chan, you can dropped me now." Hanamaru followed her instructions as she dropped Chika with no hesitation. Using the momentum created by the gravity, Chika lounged at Kanan with a powerful "Meteor Fist". Kanan quickly generated an Ice shield. However, it was quickly broken by the force and so, Kanan was hit directly. She was pushed back while Chika landed on the snow.

Suddenly, an Ice spike emerged from Chika's foot which she barely dodge. But once she stepped again on the snow, another ice spike has sprouted. Seeing this, Hanamaru quickly flew over to save Chika. Just then, Kanan was able to stand up to attack. Pouring her last energy to her hand she was able to released an "Ice Dragon" before her body gave out.

Mari on the other hand was able to surprised Ruby with a "Thundering Kick" as soon as she get closed to her. Ruby yelped loudly that caused a large explosion of her magic. Mari was blown away to the air before straightening herself again. But now, Ruby was the one who surprised her with a numerous "fire ball". Luckily, Hanamaru placed a "Wind shield" on her as she was able to escape. But she again faced another bombardment from Ruby and this time, she was hit in her arm. Groaning in pain, she tried to maintain her distance from Ruby. Ruby noticed it as she quickly casted a multiple "Flame Phoenix". Sighing, Mari knew that she has to end this fight before her burned arm worsen. Channeling a great amount of static electricity on her arm, she released a powerful "Thor's Hammer". Mari's attacked overwhelmed Ruby's phoenix, as the lighting continued to travel down until it hits the target. Ruby felt the electricity ran throughout her body before she collapsed to the ground.

Seeing her opponent down, Mari cheered internally before she saw the ice dragon headed for Chika and Hanamaru. She quickly flew to them and cast a lightning shield. But the shield wasn't enough as it started to cracked. Hanamaru quickly reinforce it with her wind shield as they continued to fight the force. Eventually, the shield and the Ice dragon broked at the same time.

The whole arena went silent as Chika, Mari and Hanamaru didn't dropped their guard down. Just then, the ice spikes and snow started to disappear, revealing a paralized Ruby and a worn-out Kanan.

"Mari's Team, WINS!" Yoshiko's voiced filled the entire arena as the three of them cheered in victory.

"Oh YEAH!!! We did it!" Chika cheered the loudest as Hanamaru settled her on the ground. After that, the three was squealing in joy.

"Umm... I don't want to break your little enjoyment but, we have to treat your wounds and also to help them." Riko interrupted them as she started to patch up their burns and scratches.

On the other hand, Dia carried the paralized Ruby while Yoshiko helped Kanan to stand up and walk towards Riko.

As soon as Kanan was near the victorious group, she immediately greeted them. "Man, I didn't think we'll be wiped out like that. Congratulations, Mari, Chika and Maru-chan." She flashed them a geniune smile which the group returned it with their own bright smiles.

"That was a good fight, Kanan~ Let's battle again someday."

"I'll be glad to. And next time, we will definitely win!" Kanan declared. And now, the two team leader are in for another battle.

"Hmmm.... That's good but, your not forgetting about our group right?" Yoshiko interrupted as she gave them a grin.

"Of course not, Yoshikocchi!" Mari quickly answered flashing her own cat-like grin.

"That's good, because we're not goin to hold back!"

To be continued...

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