Uncle and Niece

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No one's POV

In a very dark room, an unconscious girl was tied on a wall. Because of the stinky smell inside the room, she was force to wake up and was shock to see her current situation. Remembering the events that happened earlier, she tried to free herself from the restraints.

"Hehe, you can't break that. Your only wasting your energy in vain." A dark voice was heard and the girl stopped moving.

"W-Who's there?" The girl cautiously asked at the person.

"I feel hurt. I know that the last time we saw each other was seven years ago so it's natural you won't remember my voice. But after I did those things just to gain your attention, you still didn't expect me to meet you? I really missed you, my dear, lovely niece."

"E-Eh? N-No way! Uncle Yoru!?" The girl yelled in anger when suddenly, the dark room was enveloped in light. The girl had to shut her eyes tight before she was able to adjust to open it again.

"Hello, Yoshiko. I'm really glad to see you again."

Yoshiko's eyes was filled with rage when she saw the person in front of her. The man was a splitting image of her mother. Well, it's only natural since her mother and this man are twins.

"Uncle Yoru, I am not glad to see you. By the way, have you gotten older?"

The man's smile suddenly falter from that statement. Yoshiko smirked at the reaction so she continue to openly insult him.

"Oh, you really are older now! Your forehead is full of wrinkles! I might be the cause of that, since I resisted you that much!"

The man clenched his fist tightly. And Yoshiko's smirked only widen at that.

"What's wrong uncle? Not in the mood to talk? Don't you want to catch up with your niece? Also, don't you want to talk about your twin si-" Yoshiko's statement was cut off when the man swiftly shut her mouth with his hand.

"You know Yoshiko, I was trying very hard to endure your arrogant attitude but I think you went a little too far. I'm afraid you pushed so many buttons that irked me greatly so you have to Pay. For. That."

Yoshiko suddenly felt her restraints tightening. The man step back and smile at her before snapping his finger. Suddenly, a dark lightning strike her directly.

"Ahhhhhhgh!" Yoshiko screamed from the overwhelming pain.

"Oh~ I like that. Scream for me more, Yo-shi-ko."

"Hah...hah... You piece of sh- Ahhhhh!" The second lightning landed.

"I think your not understanding your situation right now, Yoshiko. So, I'll made sure to properly discipline you."


Riko felt a a warm hand stroke her hair and a lovely voice called her name. Smiling, Riko slowly opened her eyes to see a blurry sight of her beloved.

"Yocchan?" She muttered softly before cupping her beloved's face.

"Ummm, no it's me Chika! Are you still half asleep, Riko-chan?"

"Eh? Chika-chan?" Riko immediately sat up when she realized that her girlfriend disappeared.

"That's right, I have to save Yocchan!" Riko hastily get up from the bed and head to open up the door. She almost bumped Mari who came to wake her up.

"Woah Rikocchi, what's the rush for?"

"I have to save Yocchan immediately! And I won't let you stop me this time, Mari-chan." Riko glared at her and Mari wave her hands in defense.

"No I won't stop you. And also I came her to inform you about my men's finding about Yoshiko-chan's abduction."

At that statement, Riko perked up as she held Mari's shoulder. She shake her violently while yelling, "W-What is it?! Did they find her?!"

"Geez, calm down for a minute. That hurts Rikocchi." Noticing her death gripped on Mari, Riko immediately let go.

"I-I'm sorry." She apologized meekly.

"No it's fine. And about Yoshikocchi, we were able to find some leads about the kidnapping. My men analyze the magical components of the enemy who kidnapped Yoshikocchi. And with that, we were able to find the same magical components in the Tsushima residence in Shinjuku."

"Y-Yocchan is in Shinjuku?" Riko slowly asked.

"Yes, that's our guess. And we are planning to head there now. Chikacchi, are all preparations ready?"

"Yes, captain!" Chika saluted before carrying a very big bag.

"Ummm... what's inside there?" Riko asked hesitantly.

"Some food and water. I also brought some bombs!" Chika exclaimed.

"No, no, no. We are not needing that bomb!"

"It's fine Rikocchi. And by the way, the jet is here. Hurry up before we leave you~" Mari point at her and that's when Riko realize the state she was in.

"Mari-chan! Why am I half-naked!"


"Hey, Yoshiko? How about you join me killing your mother? In that way I let you live and your beloved twin sister." Yoru smiled at the weakened girl in front of her.

"I won't ever join an asshole like you!" Yoshiko spat at him and smirk. Yoru only laugh before striking another lightning at her. But this time, Yoshiko didn't scream.

"Oh? You've gone awfully quiet for some time now. Maybe lightnings are not enough anymore." At that statement, Yoru grabbed the dagger in the table.

"Scream for me more, Yoshiko."


"Geez, Mari-chan. Why didn't tell me sooner! And why am I half naked in the first place?!" Riko complained as she took a sit beside Mari.

"Well, if I didn't strip you out of your clothes, you won't be able to wear that uniform right now." Mari reasoned.

"Okay, thanks I guess. By the way, are we there yet?!" Riko yelled as she anxiously wait on her sit.

"Your really impatient Rikocchi. Don't worry, we're here now so you stand up now." Mari grabbed a bag and gave it to Riko.

"That's yours. Now let's get out of here!" Mari began to open the jet door and a rush of wind came in.

"W-Wait Mari-chan! We're still in air! Your not planning to jump are you?" Riko's question was answered by a grin before the blonde jumped off the jet. She was then followed by Chika and Hanamaru.

"Agh! I can't believe them!" Riko exclaimed as she looked down at the three.

"As you expected from Mari-san." Riko turned to look at Dia who smiled fondly looking at the blonde.

"Dia-san, are you smiling?" Riko asked cautiously. Dia began to blush before denying.

"No I'm not. Let's just go Riko-san." Dia jumped off as Riko looked at her knowingly.

"Mari-chan will be so glad if she find this out." Riko smiled before her face turned serious.

"Wait for us, Yocchan. We're coming to save you." Riko took a deep breath before jumping off.


Yoru smiled wickedly as he looked at his bloody hands. Suddenly, he felt a shift in the magical energy around the residence.

"Hmm? It looks like your beloved mate came to your rescue. What do you say Yoshiko? Do I invite them to our little party?"

Hearing the word mate, Yoshiko raised her head and glare at the man

"Y-You.... can't! ....Leave...Lily... alone." Yoshiko groaned in pain as she barely uttered those words.

"Sadly, I won't take orders from you my lovely niece. But don't worry, I'll make sure to let her see you again before you die."

To be continued...

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