I'm Back

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No one's POV

"And now, Aqours will advance to the Finals!

The said winners just stared at the cheering crowd dumbly before they gained their senses back. Upon realizing it, they can't help to cheer loudly as they ran to their cheering leader.

"You guys did it! We're going to the finals!" Chika jumped at them, followed by Ruby.

"You did great, onee-chan!"

Dia patted Ruby's head as Kanan giggled behind her.

"Yep, she was great despite being hit by a metal basin, three times."

Dia's face began to turn red. Kanan looked at her teasingly because of this.


Seeing the angered Dia, Kanan laughed as she ran from her. The others looked at them amusedly except Ruby.

"Oh, that's unusual." Ruby commented, looking at her sister.

"Hm? Why?" Chika asked.

"Usually, Mari-chan would be the one teasing onee-chan like that." She answered immediately.

Hearing her fiancee's name, Dia stopped to looked for a certain blonde.

"Ah, now that I think about it, is Mari-san around?" Everyone shaked their heads at the question.

"Maybe she's still back at the Sonoda's residence. It's not like I miss her or something." Dia quickly averted her eyes to avoid further embarrassment.

Suddenly, a familiar voice caught their attention.

"Ciao~ did someone missed me?"

"Ah! Mari-chan!"

They ran towards their blonde friend as she gave them her usual grin.

"So, what happen to your talk? Is everything all right?" Chika asked immediately.

But before Mari could answer, Dia interrupted her with her usual stern tone.


"Yes, darling~" Mari quickly answered.

"Your eyes are red. Have you been crying?"

Everyone was shocked at the question as they looked at Mari's eyes. It was really red, now that Dia had pointed it out. Mari smiled softly before replying.

"Yes, everyone would if they'll hear such a great news."

Now, they are confused from Mari's reply. Chika was the one who voice out their confusion. "What great news?"

Mari's smile grow wider before her playful grin came back. She turn around and start to walk away before stopping for a moment.

"I don't know, just see for yourself."

At that statement, all of them were encouraged to follow her immediately. Exiting the venue, they found themselves on Mari's limousine. Mari drove herself as they sat silently looking outside the window. The ride was pretty long, but everyone waited patiently until they arrived at a beach.

"Hey Mari-chan? Why did you bring us to the beach?" Chika asked wondering as she looked at the distant waves.

"Who knows? Maybe you'll know if you look closely."

Mari's soft smile returned as she looked at something near the shore. Everyone followed her line of sight to see something unexpected.

A girl with long dark blue hair and a familiar side bun.

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